Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One Where my Baby Hit Double Digits and My Honey got to Hang Out with Ty P.

Big week, busy week.  I'm late, as normal, later than normal in fact.  The later than normal wasn't my fault.  I had the post written on Sunday night hit a glitch when I tried to upload the photos.  Apparently I had reached my limit.  Considering I take at least 10 photos a day, it's surprising that it didn't happen sooner.  So I had to give google/blogger $$ to up my storage space.  It took them 2 days for it to register everything.  So here I am. LOL

So on to the bigger news...Yep, it's true.  My first baby turned 10 on Friday.  It was so sad that I can barely remember what we did in school.  It hardly compares to my baby turning 10 and with what my honey did this week.  But here's the short version.

Let's start with science.  We finished up our unit on pterosaurs.  The only thing left is a make a fossil activity that we didn't get to.  Too many errands for the "big event."

The rest of our science year will be focused on flying insects.  However, we're putting that on hold for a spell.  Til the weather warms up and we can actually see some insects.  That won't be too much longer in Southern VA.  Although, the weather has been crazy this year so who knows? LOL

We've moved on to WW1 in history and Mackenzie is enjoying it.  She is just loving the Usborne internet-linked book that we're using at the moment.  I'm thinking about doing a WW1 lapbook since we're taking a break from science.  I'll have to see what I can dig up.

We're still reading Little Britches and Mackenzie and I would like to visit a ranch.  Maybe the Pioneer Woman's.  =o)

We didn't really work on her penguin report this week.  We were supposed to get to the library for some research material but ran out of time.

 Now on to the birthday pictures.  This year she had a few friends over for a sleepover.  I'm glad that I don't have that many girls full time.   And in case you're wondering after viewing the pictures.  Yes we put them in our bedroom.  It's by far the largest room in the house and we could fit lots of air mattresses in there.  These modern kids can't just sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag like I did. LOL  My hubby had BIG plans for the entire night (see below) so I just got Kenzie's room.

The Cake

Just Dancin'

Just weird

Dinner before sugar overload

The baby's toys are fun


present time

Trying to convince my hubby to take them to the set of Extreme Home Makeover

Just some more Dancin'

Go to bed


My girls and my niece

Singing It

Last moments

Now for the other Big Event.  My hubby got to live a dream.  One that he's dreamed of for years and years.  Extreme Makeover Home Edition was in town and he volunteered to help with the house.  He took a couple of days off to pitch in and worked all night long the last night.  Here's some highlights.


The big hole my hubby made



X to the Z~ Xhibit

Crew rolling in

Hello there Ty!

Lots of volunteers with Ty

Ed and Paige


My honey living the dream

Where'd it go?

I do have after pictures but they're on the old point and shoot at the moment and it's a pain to get them off so I'm being lazy. LOL  Maybe later today.  Or next week?  LOL

The house is "done."  Apparently it's never really done this soon.  The construction crew will be back in about a month for the finishing touches and then they'll do film to tour with the family.  It's not that great knowing all the secrets.  LOL  And Ty does not really do the secret room.  Bahhhh!!!  Useless hollywood design team mostly just films scenes.

It was raining on reveal day so we didn't go.  Maybe I'd have stood in the rain for Michael, Paul, or Preston but they weren't there.  Too bad, I was going to let Michael be my new BFF.  His loss. LOL


  1. Happy 10th! (They're growing up much too fast, huh?)

    Wow! Interesting about Extreme Makeover! Glad your DH got to work on it though!


  2. Hi Stef! I passed the Stylish Blogger Award onto you (if you do/like these things).

  3. How fun, what an exciting week! Thanks for sharing the pictures. :)


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