Wednesday, January 5, 2011

December Daily: The Finished Product

All my pages are printed, mementos added, and the book is together.  I love it!  It's the first scrapping project I've completed from start to finish.  The only thing I might do differently next year is have the layouts professionally printed.  I'd like them a little crisper and I hate glossy photo paper. LOL

And I'll remember to photograph the right ballet program.  The one in this photo is last years.  By the time I noticed, I didn't feel like retaking the picture.  The 2010 one is in the book.

Now I'm moving on to Project Life.  Which should be even simpler.  Woot!

1 comment:

  1. congrads on your project. As much as I love having everything online, it's so nice to have an actual paper album to show as well.


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