Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Secrets Beneath~Review

_140_245_Book.279.cover.jpgI had the opportunity to review The Secrets Beneath  by Kathleen Fuller.  It's the second in her The Mysteries of Middlefield series for the tween set.

I was intrigued by the book because I have a huge interest in the Amish culture and my daughter is a big mystery buff.  It seemed like the perfect thing to check out for my book-aholic daughter.

The story is about Bekah, a curious, young Amish girl who often gets accused of being noisy.  Add in a mysterious new neighbor and a moody cousin who suddenly moves in with the family and you've got an interesting tale.

The girls, who struggle to get along, find themselves bonding over the strange goings-on at the neighbors house.  They learn about the power of prayer and the importance of obedience when Bekah's curiosity lands them in a dangerous situation.

During the first couple of chapters I wasn't sure if I was going to like the book.  I was having a problem with the language.  The really modern English mixed with the Amish terminology seemed really random.  I've read a lot of Beverly Lewis' books and the language in this book just didn't seem to flow as well.

However, as the story picked up, the language didn't bother me as much.  Looking back, I think the more modern English was meant to make the book more readable for the intended audience.

Overall, as an adult reading a book meant for tweens, I enjoyed the book.  The characters were likable and the storyline was interesting and engaging.  The suspense made you want to keep reading.  It gives the reader a glimpse into the Amish culture and provides some good lessons regarding obedience, gossip, and the power of prayer.

I'm excited for my daughter to read it as I know she will enjoy it and want to read the whole series.  This was the first book that I've read by Kathleen Fuller and I'm looking forward to checking out some of her adult fiction for myself.

I review for BookSneeze

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