Thursday, November 11, 2010

Operation Christmas Child

What to Pack

The Christmas season is, despite the cold weather, my favorite time of the year.  It's a time of tradition, family, history, celebration, giving, and receiving the best gift that one could imagine.

Operation Christmas Child, sponsored by Samaritans Purse, is one the favorite Christmas traditions for me and my oldest daughter, Mackenzie.  It's a wonderful chance for us to share the blessings, that God has so graciously bestowed upon us, with someone else.  And, more importantantly, we get to share our Greatest Gift, with someone who might not know the love of Christ.

Mackenzie LOVES shopping for OCC.  Every year she looks forward to that trip.  One wouldn't think it would take long to fill up a small shoebox but Mackenzie carefully considers every item. She wants to make sure that she picks things that another child will love.

This year I took a some pictures for some scrapbooking that I plan on doing but I thought I'd share them here and help spread the word about the project.

While Kayleigh liked the packing she didn't quite get the giving.  Maybe when she's three. LOL

If you'd like to know more about OCC, click any of the links or watch the video.  And, FYI, our local Chick-Fil-A is also promoting OCC.  You can pick up a box at any location, fill, and bring it back for a free chicken sandwich.  We were there for lunch last week and when Mackenzie saw the boxes she was so happy.  She said it's definately her favorite fast food place.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you guys! Your box looks great! We are participating this year too. Such a great organization. I saw it on another blog too and sent the word out on my Facebook pages. Thanks for sharing! Kerri


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