Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Digi-Scrapping Teacher...

A while back I got a new laptop to replace the one that crashed on me about a year ago.  A Macbook Pro.  Woot!  That took a lot of saving but sooo worth it.  

At anyrate, I had buy Photoshop Elements again because, of course, you can't use the Windows version on a Mac.  (Incidently when I bought the new one it came with a Mac and Windows disc.  Those rats!)  But it also came with a digi-scrapping tutorial from Digital Scrappers.  That excited me because I've recently started digi-scrapping and I'm not that good at it.  =o)

So here are some of the layouts that I created while doing the tutorial.  I'd like to say that I've got this stuff down but I keep having to review the dvd to refresh my memory because I suffer from CRS (can't remember squat).   It's quite tragic.  The dvd is always nearby when I'm trying to scrap.  LOL

This is my favorite one.  I did  the page stacking, corner folding, and made the vellum myself.  Without a template or pre-folded paper.  Don't ask me how.  I couldn't have told you 5 minutes after doing it. LOL

 It's my mommy when she was in 3rd grade.  Wasn't she adorable?  I have to say she was a little offended when I called her and asked to scan me one of her school photos for a vintage layout I was doing.  Maybe it was the word vintage?  LOL

This is my second favorite, although I'm not totally happy with the journaling and the title yet.  But that's the great thing about digi-scrapping.  You can go back and change things.  What I LOVE about this layout is the background paper.  It's a photo that I took when we lived in Guam.

Here are some random ones from last Easter.  Some I like more than others.

These are from my hubby's Navy retirement earlier this year.

So now I'm obsessed with tutorials.   Love you tube for this.  One day I'd like to do this without someone holding my hand.  One can dream...but for now I'm satisfied with sucking less.  =o)


  1. Very nice, Stef!! And I LOVE the "CRS" thing! ROFL!! I would say I'll have to remember that to label myself, but I probably won't remember it b/c I TOTALLY do have CRS!! :) Love the pages!

  2. Wow! You are quite the digi-scrapper! Love them all!

  3. I love your digi-scrapbooking. Very creative and they turned out great. I've just dabbled in trying to get a handle on what digi-scrapbooking is but not daring enough to try anything yet!!! Nice work.

  4. You did a great job on these digi-pages! I love digital scrapbooking. Another great resource/site is www.designerdigitals.com . They hold monthly on-line chats where you can ask questions and get some freebies. They have some great tutorial kits in the store for specific digi-scrap techniques too. Your making me want to scrap right now!LOL!


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