Saturday, October 30, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One Where We Had Bad Weather at the Pumpkin Patch...As Usual

Another week gone, another great book finished.    A field trip and our usual Friday with Friends hang-time got us a tad behind, so we have a couple of odds and ends to finish.

Since I haven't mentioned much about any subjects other than history, I thought I'd do a quick run-down of some of our other subjects.


 We're still in the book of John.  This week we read about Jesus being arrested and tried.  Reading these verses are always good reminders of how it's important to obey what God is asking us to do.  And aren't we happy that He's never asked us to do anything as difficult as what Jesus had to do?  They always change Mackenzie's perspective when she facing something that she views as "too hard."

We're also reading through Starting Strong.  We just finished reading the section on friendship which had some great advice on choosing and keeping friends.

Language Arts 

 In First Language Lessons  she has been working on writing friendly letters, reviewing diagramming, and she just started conjugating verbs.  Big fun. lol

Science:  We started a new lesson on the nesting habits of birds.  This one made us laugh a bit.  Particularly the brood parasites, like cowbirds.  We thought it was hysterical that they hide one of their egg in another birds nest.

Our experiment that we started last week regarding what color feeder would birds prefer was a bust.  They didn't have a preference, they were just happy to have food.  The book said that they would prefer the red one.   It doesn't surprise me that the birds here were less then cooperative.  They're like my children. LOL  Hopefully, the experiment for lesson 5 will go better.

Social Studies

Geography is going great.  Mackenzie loves the Star-Spangled Statebook.  It's so easy to use and she is learning so much.  She is up to Oklaholma and she can find any state, A-Oklaholma, on a blank map.

History is just awesome, naturally.  We love, love, love our Sonlight.  This week we finished reading Across Five Aprils and it might be our all-time favorite Sonlight book.  We loved it!  It had us crying all the time, we learned some awesome history, and we love that it was based on a true story.  It made the Civil War some much more real for us than if we had just read some boring old text book.

We also read about George Washington Carver in American Adventures: True Stories from America's Past, 1770-1870.  It was a really good story and I learned so much more about him than I was taught in school.  As we were reading, they talked about some of the 300 uses for peanut butter.   I was so surprised that they hadn't mentioned peanut butter, like I learned in school.  So I googled it.  It wasn't mentioned because he didn't invent it.  To paraphrase  Wikipedia, "it's a popular myth that is still taught in American Schools today."  Yep, that and 10 million other half-truths that they fed me.   Thank goodness we decided to homeschool so I could beef up my education.


She's continuing on with division with a side of geometry.  She's doing well.


She's doing fantastic with her piano lessons.  And her soccer team's record is 6:1, which is a huge improvement from last years 1:6.

We would've finished our Mary Cassatt artist study last week with a Cassatt-style art project but, well, life you know.

And our annual field trip to the pumpkin patch.  We always look forward to a nice fall day at the pumpkin patch.  And we always end up with a nice sweltering day.  This year's forecast was no different.  So we dressed for hot.

When we got there a little rain blew in.  So it was chilly and wet with us in our "hot" clothes. was hot later that day at our friends field hockey.  By then Mackenzie had changed into warmer clothes and was sweating to death. LOL

At any rate, here are some highlights from our trip.  No hayride picks though.  I do not let rain touch my Nikon.  I'd rather my children got wet.  =o)

And that is my, very late, wrap-up.  Pop on over to Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers and see how everyone else fared.

1 comment:

  1. I like the highlights of your week, especially the pumpkin patch visit with pics. Some great bible lessons too. I had a lesson this week about pain after my car trunk fell on my head! Had me thinking that no pain can even compare to what He went through for us!


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.