Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tot School

Kayleigh is 31 months

Tot School

Tot School this week was very much Kayleigh-led.  My plan was to finish up the Letter F using  2 Teaching Mommies’ Forest Unit.  But instead we had a lazy week and just got a few of my planned activities done.  We didn’t even get our Letter F page done yet.  lol There’s always next week.

Here’s what we did do. 

Literacy Activities

Kayleigh used our Do-A-Dot Markers and painted a “F” and Swimmy the Fish.  We read Swimmy this week and she wanted to paint him.   Since the main characters were a fish and a frog, they fit in nicely with our letter of the week.  And hooray for Making Learning Fun for having a Swimmy printable.

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She did the F is For Fish Magnet page from COAH’s Letter of the Week Curriculum.


Math and Science

She played with our Feed the Frog Game again.  She just loves that.   She’s even taking to counting them out a bit instead of just shoving the “flies” down the poor frog’s throat. 


She did this fun forest animal track puzzle from 2 Teaching Mommies.  She really liked that and did them more than once.  Because she’s a little odd, she jumped on the puzzles EACH AND EVERY TIME that she did them.  She said she was playing hopscotch. 

She also did the Count and Match Pine Trees game from 2 Teaching Mommies.  She did a really great job.  She was even kind enough to find the correct number after we counted the trees.  Apparently, she is starting to recognize some of them.  =o)

DSC_1176redots DSC_1175redotsWe never did get to the Pinecone Sorting game so I’ll save that for when we get to P.

She really got in the forest aspect of the games because we had read Little Rabbit Foo Foo until my throat was raw and bleeding a couple of times beforehand.   The book is now hiding under my mattress. 

And as long as we’re on the subject, Kayleigh was certain that the rabbit was not naughty because the mice, tigers, worms, and goblins enjoyed being bopped on the head.  “Deys happy!”  I think she secretly wants to be a goon.  She did manage to refrain from bopping any of us on the head though. 

Kayleigh pulled out her Shapes on the Farm magnet book.  (And hey, farm starts with F. We’re still on topic. Sorta.)  This is one her all time favorites.  She plays with it all the time.  She usually just places the shapes randomly.  This time she chose to put them on the “proper” page.  Without any prompting from me.  I was stunned.  Generally her motto is “I’d rather walk barefoot over hot coals than do things the right way.”


Fine Motor and Learning Toys

I finally broke out My First Book Of Mazesand let her try it.  I put them in page protectors and gave her a dry erase marker.  She LOVED it!  And she did pretty good considering this was the first time she’d done anything like that.

She got out our Krinkles, similar to Bristle Blocks.  Both girls always enjoy these.  And guess what?  The particular set we have has a farm theme. LOL  I couldn’t have planned it better myself.

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Naturally the instrumentsmade an appearance.  She loves anything that makes a lot of noise.


Lastly Kayleigh and Daddy played with her, wait for it, Little People Animal Sounds Farm.   I should’ve done F is for Farm.  Clearly that’s what she wanted.   I’m surprised she didn’t get out her Melissa & Doug Farm Puzzle.

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Life School

We made some yummy banana bread, in the form of muffins.  I decided to be a good mom and let the children help out.  I’m one of those people who doesn’t really enjoy cooking and I enjoying it even less when there are “helpers” who make a bigger mess. LOL  I’m trying to overcome that flaw though.

Of course, the fit she threw when she wanted to crack the eggs instead of mash the bananas did not endear the project to me. LOL

And that was our week.  Be sure to click the Tot School button at the top of the page to see what the other tot’s have been up to.


  1. How many books do you have under your bed? ;) Funny post! :)

  2. Love all your activities, especially life school. Your doing an amazing job with your girls! Thank you for sharing.

  3. Sweet. Your blog always reminds me of fun times when my two were little.

  4. What a great week. You guys did SO much fun stuff this week. We did the letter F too, but only did a few things and lots of random stuff :) I just made banana bread in form of muffins an hour or so ago. I planned on doing them with Smiley, but then ended up making them during naptime, lol. Next time I will be more adventurous and let him help ;)

  5. What a fun week! I have the same problem with kids in the kitchen but for a completely different reason. I looooooove cooking and I'm a perfectionist so I'm terrified she's going to mess something up! I'm working really hard to get over it though!

  6. Personally, I love cooking and I don't even mind the mess when my oldest (6 years now) helps out. But baking, now that stresses me out. Baking requires so much precision!

    You may not have got to all your planned activities done, but it still looks like you kept busy

  7. Love it! I have a few {cough, cough} books that are 'hiding' too! LOL.

    I totally get the hopscotch thing too. Chloe finds ways to play hopscotch at the oddest of times with the oddest things.

    That "feed the frog" looks really neat and may make an appearance in tot school with us at some point :)

    Thanks for stopping by and for sharing!

  8. I'm so glad you enjoyed some of our forest printables!

  9. Wow, for a "lazy week" you sure did a lot! Thanks for the Feed the Frog download...that's definitely something I'm going to put together for Adam!

  10. Yes, I do think our DD"s were separated at birth ;) Mine throes a fit when I don't let her crack the eggs, too!

    Looks like y'all had a great week!!

  11. We just spent time in the North Woods and many of your lessons would be great follow up! I really like the animal tracks puzzle (it's fun for mommy too!) Your daughter sounds a little like my son - feisty! What a great variety of activities.


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