Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tot School

Kayleigh is...gasp!...30 months old

Tot School this week was a little chaotic. We only did three days this week. Thursday and Friday Kayleigh just did not want to do anything. Maybe it was because we started fourth grade with Mackenzie. So we didn't get everything I had in mind done but that's okay.

Tot Trays

Our trays this week included:

Stringing pony beads on pipe cleaners. Big hit! She did it every, single day. Even on the days that she refused to do anything else.

Using an eyedropper to transfer water. Huge bust. She could not get the hang of this at all. Getting the air out to allow the water in is apparently not a skill for a 2.5 year old. LOL

Scissor Skills. This is always a hit but she was struggling with it this week. A couple of weeks ago she did a great job cutting up Sissy's script for her VBS skit. Apparently this skill comes and goes depending on whether the situation is inappropriate or not. Later in the week she decided she was going to try and cut Sissy's hair. She couldn't, not only because she's not good at cutting, but because our kids scissors won't cut anything but paper. Now I'm not so sure I'm in a big hurry for her to master that skill. =o)

We practiced our letters A-D with our KinderReady Eric Carle Alpha Clue Cards. She did a pretty good job putting the puzzles together and was even able to recognize the letters A & B. Yay! And she's also doing a great job singing her ABCs. I've got to get a video before she starts singing "L M N O P" correctly. LOL

She played a paint can coloring matching game and did a great job. It's really old. I made back when I was still teaching other people's kids. Just goes to show how important a good laminator is.

Our last tray was stickers. She was frusterated with this. It's been a while since she's done stickers and she had a hard time getting them off the paper, even though I had removed the background paper. And she really got upset if I tried to help her.

Learning Games and Toys

We practiced our numbers, 1-5, my matching our number magnets and foam puzzle pieces to the numbers on our number poster. (How many times can I use the word numbers in one sentence? LOL) Mackenzie helped her count 1-5 because Kayleigh didn't want to do it herself.

Then we put our puzzle pieces back into the puzzle using a hammer. A great way to get out your aggression while learning.

Our Lauri Toys Smart Shapes and Stacking Pegs, which is usually a big hit, didn't get a lot of attention this week.

Our Melissa & Doug Lacing Beads were also tossed aside rather quickly this week. I was very lucky to catch this picture.

She finally got to enjoy her Melissa & Doug Jumbo Blocks that she got for Christmas last year. I decided since Christmas is almost upon us again I should finally put them together. She had a great time playing in the castle that Mackenzie built her. She's yet to build anything herself. She likes to sit on them though.

We practiced making capital As and Bs with our HWT wood pieces. She did a great job making B by just copying mine. She had a little more trouble with A. I'm not sure if it was because she didn't get it or because she was just playing baby mind games. She seemed to think it was funny every time I corrected her.

Letter Focus

Our letter this week was B. We read about Baby Moses and made Moses in a Basket.

We Batted a Balloon while dancing to our Brainy Baby Sing Along Songs.

We also started our B is for BumBleBee page in our ABC book. We haven't finished it yet because Kayleigh wasn't in the mood by the end of the week. Our B is yellow but it does not resemble a BumbleBee yet. I hope to finish it tonight.

She also colored the cover to her Book.


  1. My son is not ready yet to use a scissor. We are working in mastering the squeeze-release movements first with tongs. Later with tweezers, baster, droppers. Clothes pins are also good as a preliminary activity.

  2. I will have to remember batting a balloon for our upcoming B week. That will surely be a big hit!

  3. You got a lot done for having a short week!

    One of the most loved activities for early scissor practice with my older child was a plastic bin full of drinking straws. He actually loved digging in the basket as if it were set up to be a sensory box, and because straws are narrow, they snip easily with one cut and the paper doesn't get in the way so he could actually practice the holding scissors and cutting motion much more easily.

  4. Looks a great week. My nearly 4 year old has only just mastered using an eye dropper. I love all your tot trays-will be stealing some ideas! xxx

  5. My little one will be 4 next week and she still sings the "L, M, N, O, P" section of the ABC song as if it were one letter. It is so funny. We've actually been working on that this week. I broke out our alphabet puzzle and we pointed to each letter as we sang the song. That part of the song still confuses her.

  6. My 2.5 year old has the same struggle with scissors. I feel your frustration! Looks like you had a great week, and I loved that letter building activity! Those pieces might have to be a Christmas present!

  7. It is great to see moms that do Tot School most every day. That's inspiring. I love so many of your ideas I don't know where to start. The alphabet cue cards are great. I've never seen the letters in puzzle format. My son would love that! I also like how you have the giant numbers poster. That would be really helpful. Oh! I really like the Moses craft too.

  8. What wonderful, hands on, fun, fun learning activities! Can't wait to hear how you and your girls like pastels :)

  9. I agree- the dropper can be tricky! You have to get it just right. I like the cute baby Moses craft :)

  10. Fun week. I think I will have to look into getting those plastic scissors that cut only paper. I don't want my little one cutting her own hair or anyone elses.

  11. She's working so hard & is so very cute!! I've wondered about those HWT wood pieces... it's fun to see them in action!

  12. Do you have the whole HWT PreK curriculum or just the wood pieces? I'm actually considering getting the curriculum to begin with my son when he's 3 or 3 1/2. I like all the hands-on activities to help prepare a preschooler for letter formation and writing. Anyway, if you have the other parts of the curriculum, do you like it?

  13. My two years old likes to do the sticks by herself as well even if she struggles she won't want my help at all. And I can even prepare the most funny trays that she wouldn't play with them. I understand what you say :)

  14. It amazes me what things will capture their full attention each week and what things they get bored with quickly. My son as been absorbed with his 24 piece puzzles lately.

  15. What a great week! Parker is showing a lot of interest in scissors....but for the obvious, I have been hesitant. For some reason I have also had trouble finding scissors for her. Maybe I need to look again since all of the school supplies are out! :)

    We only did a few days this past week, too. I didn't even post about it!


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.