Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Homeschool Village~Back to School Traditions

This week The Homeschool Village is asking "How do you celebrate back to homeschooling?" This in an interesting question for us, as we don't actually do anything special to celebrate getting back to homeschooling. We start in August, next week, to be specific. We do this for a very specific reason.

We prefer to celebrate the government schools going back!! We live for the day that the malls, museums, and amusement parks are crowd free again. So we start school early in order to take advantage of the beautiful weather, and lack of lines, in September and October.

Once the other kidlets are back in school we, along with our friends, start heading back to Busch Gardens every Friday. It is very exciting for us because we avoid it like the plague during "summer vacation." And if the weather's bad we just head to one of the many museums that we've also been avoiding during the summer madness months.

There's nothing better than having the whole museum or park to yourselves. Woot!!
Pop on over to The Homeschool Village and check out how other celebrate. Don't forget to share your traditions!


  1. Super fun! Love that you are enjoying the 'perks' of being home with your kids!

    from the HSV

  2. What a great blog! 1st time here! Joining you from The Homeschool Village. I love your comment - about celebrating the public schools going back - I completely agree! Signed up to follow your blog, I invite you to come visit & follow my homeschool blog back!

  3. Here, Here! I agree. In fact, the morning that we start school and go out to breakfast, I like to sit by a window so we can watch all of the buses herding the kids in to school. :)

  4. This made me laugh because I too can't wait til school starts up again for the crowds to die down! I enjoy going to the next big city over and just walking leisurely in the mall and eating lunch with my kiddos . . .but only when school's in session!

  5. It is wonderful to be able to visit places when everyone else is *in school*, isn't it? We love that, too!

  6. My daughter does this in Spring and Fall. They do homeschool all year long but then take breaks when things are less crowded and the weather is not too hot. Thanks for your post. :)

  7. That is such a perk of homeschooling - the fewer lines everywhere. We usually go on vacation when everyone is back in school - and have the beach to ourselves :)

  8. We started early (first of August) this year too, for much the same reasons---so we can get a head start to have some "breathing room" when it's cooler outside. We love being able to go places and enjoy crowd-free times as well!

    Have a wonderful fall! Busch Gardens on Fridays sounds fabulous!


  9. We like to wait until the fall, too, to visit attractions when the crowds are down. Next Monday, when the PS start here, we're going to visit our local science museum. I expect it to be empty!

  10. I've never been to Busch Gardens, but I coldn't agree more! We had Sea World passes and so much more fun to use them when everyone else is back to school!

    Thanks for linking up today!
    The Homeschool Village

  11. This is so true! Here we have a picnic with other homeschoolers on the day the school officially starts back to school.


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.