Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Homeschool Village: Books

The Homeschool Village is asking "What is your child's favorite book and why would they recommend it to a friend?"

I had to laugh when I read this because I knew my child could never pick one favorite book. Is there such thing as one favorite book? We've never heard of such a thing.
One book? LOL As if! She's been a book junkie since before she could talk. Here she is in K rolling in books. LOL

I asked her anyway. Her answer was "The Percy Jackson series and Sonlight. Except for The Last Little Cat." That's right she named an entire series and an entire curriculum company, at least 5 cores of the company minus one book. Do I know my daughter or what?

In the interest of being helpful I'll list some of the books that she rereads most often.

Usborne Time Traveler
Usborne Living Long Ago
A Little Princess
Understood Betsy
Strawberry Girl
Twenty and Ten
Witch of Blackbird Pond
The Cricket in Times Square

Mr. Revere and I
My Father's Dragon
Ben Franklin of Old Philidelphia

That should get you started. Happy Reading!


  1. Super cute pic of your daughter! Coming over to say hi from The Homeschool Village. I love Usborne books, they are great! Enjoy the rest of your week! :)

  2. I love that photo - too cute! It is so hard for me to pick just one too - so I understand!

    Thanks for listing them for us!! I should look into Percy Jackson for my 7yr old boy??

    So glad you're joining us again!
    the hsv

  3. Great reading list! I've been hearing so much about the Percy Jackson series that my hubby & I rented the movie last night. Great story! I bet my kids will love those books when they get a little older.


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