Friday, June 25, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up: School's Out

Hooray! We did it! We're free at last!! The last thing that we had to do was her final math test and she did it over the weekend so she'd be officially finished for the week to come.

So now I now longer have a third grader...sniff, sniff.

I was going to take some pictures of her holding her little "I finished core 3...I finished level blah, blah, blah..." but I haven't yet. Maybe next week.

So what have we been doing? I'm trying to remember.

I finished scheduling science for next year. Everything else is already in HST for next year. LOL I'm such a homeschool mom.

I've even printed out some of the lapbook units that we're using along with it and cut them out. I've also been doing some digital scrapbooking. It's so exciting to not have to clean up a mess when I'm finished.

Carisa, from 1+1+1=1, got me hooked on Tumblr. I'd like to explain it to you but it would just be easier if you clicked on Carisa's name in the previous sentence and let her explain. She's much better at it than me.

I'm primarily using it as a place to visually link all the great ideas I see on the web that I'd like to try with the girls. I like the visual aspect of the links rather then the list of names in my bookmarks. I can't remember what I liked about the site from a random name but I can recall them with a picture of the activity. It's probably my age. LOL

We've been going to the pool, Water Country USA, the Virginia Marine Science Center. I took pictures of the latter. I'll share some of them with you. I'll save the rest for Kayleigh's Tot School post.

And that is pretty much what we've been up too. Be sure to check out the other Weekly Wrap-Ups hosted by Kris.


  1. Congrats on finishing up! The aquarium trip looks like fun. Have a good weekend.


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