Friday, May 14, 2010

Weekly Wrap-up

Happy Friday homeschooling friends!! I hope you all had a great week.

We have recovered from our two weeks of interruptions and had a productive week. I'm hoping to keep this up until we're invaded by family the first two weeks in June.

Here are some of our highlights.

We started reading Calico Bush as our read aloud. So far this book has been great. It started off slow but it picks up. It's filled with emotion and drama and keeps you wanting more. If I weren't dealing with a bit of sinus drainage this week, we'd probably have finished it early. Be aware, there are definately some sensitive topics, so it's not one to let your child read on their own. This is one book where you find yourself emotionally invested in the lives of the characters. I have a feeling we'll be reading through the weekend because we're dying to know what happens next.

In history, Mackenzie read Imprisoned in the Golden City. It is about the life of Adoniram Judson, America's first missionary. This was one I was supposed to read aloud to Mackenzie but we decided to let her read it silently so that we could finish faster. I read it on my own as well. The book was scheduled over two weeks but she finished it early. It's a very exciting story and Mackenzie just devoured it. She kept commenting on the different ways God worked in their lives. Which is what I like to hear.

For her read aloud she is reading Naya Nuki. It's a story about the real friend of Sacagawea and how she escaped from a rival tribe. Not only is it exciting to hear all that this girl went through to get back to her people, it's a book that helps fill in some of the "big picture" regarding Sacagawea's life. Perfect since we just finished studying about her.

We studied the Navajo this week in The American Indian Prayer Guide. There was a Navajo pocket in our Native American History Pockets that we worked on. Mackenzie's favorite activities were...

Making a Navajo Necklace

And making a Navajo rug using crayon resist and watercolors.

We worked on some life skills by making some yummy strawberry bread and muffins with our farm fresh strawberries. We omitted the nuts and added about a 1/2 cup of chocolate chips to ours. (Didn't want the chocolate overpowering the berries.) Mmm....

And we tended to our little garden. Our hard work is starting to pay off.

Add in some math, science and her CAT results, and that was our week.

Hop on over to Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers and check out what everyone else was up to this week.


  1. Sounds like you had a very productive week! I really like the Navajo necklace that your daughter made. I have quite enjoyed using History Pockets in the past and will be using them again in our study of Ancient History next year.


  2. I, too, admired the Navajo crafts. And your tomatoes! I'm so envious. Our puppy demolished my tiny, barely germinated tomato plants and they didn't revive. Guess I'll just buy some plants. . .

  3. I LOVE the necklace that Mackenzie made! Great job on the CAT test!

  4. What a fun week! Love the navajo necklace! And oh yummy on the strawberry bread!! We're hoping to go pickin next week!

  5. What a productive week you had!

    I love the projects you did. What a neat idea to do the rug with crayon and watercolor. It looks beautiful.

    Annie Kate

  6. Naya Nuki sounds great and I love love love the artwork! I'm glad you're back to a smoother schedule :)

  7. Oooo! I'm going to be in need of some good read alouds over the summer. I'll have to check Calico out :) Thanks!

  8. Aren't those history pockets great fun? Looks like a very productive week!

  9. That looks like a lot of fun. Those muffins look yummy! Sending some my way?

    Have a great week!


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