Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tot School

Kayleigh is 26 months old

Tot School

Surprisingly, we had another week with cooperation. It would freak me out, this cooperative tot schooling tot, but she's still pretty uncooperative the rest of the day so I'm pretty sure she's not sick. LOL

This week we continued on with our zoo/jungle theme. We did a lot and she participated for the most part. I still have a few zoo/jungle things left that I want to do so we'll continue with the theme next week too.

We danced with scarves to Baby Einstein: Sing and Play . That's always fun.

We read Jigsaw Jungle. It's a very cute book that has a 2-piece animal puzzle on each page. Kayleigh pulled this off the shelf all week long.

We practiced counting and recognize 1-5 by jumping on our zebra number cards from Confessions of A Homeschooler. This was another activity that Kayleigh really loved. She pulled those out a lot through-out the week. Mackenzie and I did most of the counting but at least she played. And she even let Mackenzie have a turn. She usually has a fit if Mackenzie tries to help out with Tot School. Be sure to notice that her skirt is missing. It was apparently an issue for her. LOL

We read From Head to Toe and Kayleigh tried to act like the animals. Here she is as a camel.

We practiced cutting and made a zebra. She "cut" the black stripes for the zebra and glued them on paper. She still has no scissor skills. Not even with her special Spring-Action Scissors. We'll just keep practicing. No pictures of the cutting, I was helping her by holding the paper, but here she is gluing.

We got out our zebra # cards again along with some foam #s for some number matching. She matched the number 3 correctly. LOL

Mackenzie read her Rumble in the Jungle .

Then she sponge painted spots on a giraffe.

We practiced some of our colors by reading Little Scholastic's Zoo and using flashcards/puzzle pieces.

And with Infantino Matching Colors and Textures Puzzles.

She refused to play the Feed the Monkey game that I got off of Kids Soup.

We got out her Melissa & Doug Deluxe Alphabet Nesting and Stacking Blocks . They're always fun to stack and knock down.

At baby gym this week, she did her front roll all by herself. Woot! No pictures though. =o(

On Friday we went to Busch Gardens. I did bring our old point and shoot camera, instead of my Big Girl Camera, and got a few bad pictures. Once you go dslr, there's just no going back. LOL

Today we went strawberry picking with daddy. No pictures at the farm but the aftermath is just as good. LOL

And that was our week. Be sure to stop by 1+1+1=1 and see what the other tots have been doing.


  1. You're wearing her down, Stef, you're wearing her down. LOL

  2. Wow! you got a lot done this week. Love it :)

  3. Loved all the zoo activities you did!

  4. Hooray for cooperation!! Love the strawberry pics. Great Tot School week!

  5. Love the strawberry pictures!

  6. I love that "feed the monkey" activity. Fun!

    SO glad she's cooperating for you -hopefully it means she's realizing that Tot School is fun! :)

  7. aaaw your kids are so cute! I like the jungle/zoo theme and will definitely be trying some of these activities! Thanks also for the comments on my blog x

  8. Hi and thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving advice and enouragement on starting in Tot School. I enjoyed reading about your week and getting some great ideas. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Looks like you had a fun week!


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