Thursday, May 27, 2010

A New Addiction

So I was checking out some of my favorite blogs a week or so ago and I spotted something interesting over at Confessions of a Homeschooler. And no I don't mean her fabulous printables. At least not this time.

She had posted a digital scrapbooking template that she had created and the most adorable scrapbook page.

I am a scrapbooking dropout. I've got lots of stuff to do it but it rarely gets done. It's been years. I've never even finished my oldest's baby scrapbook. Nor am I caught up with her birthday scrapbook. (I thought a bday scrapbook would be easy to keep up with. Only one layout a year, right? What's 9 layouts? LOL)

But, alas, I've never been able to keep up. It might have been easier if I'd had a designated space and didn't have to keep dragging it all out and then putting it away.

So when I saw the template, I was intrigued. That seemed more doable for me. Plus, as I'm not terribly creative, I could redo the page until I liked it without wasting precious papers and the like.

So here's my first attempt at digital scrapbooking. It took me a while to figure out just the basics for this. But I'm slowly starting to figure it out. Lots of reading and tutorials in my future.

So now I've got a new obsession. Do you know how much free stuff for digital scrapbooking is out there? Downloading that stuff is a bit addicting too.


  1. Oh man - there are tons of freebie stuff out there to get started with. I just found out about digi-scrapping a couple months ago (from Erica @ COH also!) and started looking into it. I use the Gimp to work in and have downloaded tons of free kits! It is addicting - that's for sure! I've been having tons of fun with it!
    If you haven't checked out - you should. They have these awesome things called Speed Scraps. I sat down the other night and did a page with them in a little over an hour - it was super fun to chat with others while doing it!
    Have fun!

  2. I've just recently started digital scrapbooking too! It really is addicting seeing how many freebies you can find and what you can make out of them!

  3. How funny... the same thing has just happened over here! I used to work in a scrapbooking store - but haven't touched it in oh so many years! Just purchased Creative Memories digital scrapbooking software and have been blog hopping and downloading freebies like crazy.


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