Friday, April 2, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up

Happy (Good) Friday Cyber Friends!! It's time for the Weekly Wrap-Up hosted by Kris.

We had a nice week. School is almost complete, we're finishing an art lesson tomorrow, and we had our first visit to Busch Gardens.


We stick-figured Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane this week. We also did our Resurrection Eggs. Mackenzie always get so angry when we're at this point in the Bible. "That Judas is so horrible! I can't believe he did that for 30 cents." (Clearly she doesn't have a grasp of what those 30 pieces of silver meant back then.) We did have a great discussion about how God can take the worst of circumstances and use them for good.

She also spent a lot of her free time working on a "newspaper." This was her front page story.

You might be able to read it if you click on it but here's what it says..."Easter is almost here! Kids everywhere are excited about Easter, on the day before Easter kids will be dying Easter eggs and preparing for the Easter bunny. But some people don't know what Easter is really about. It's not about the Easter bunny coming to your house, it's about Jesus. After Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins some people put him in a tomb. Then after three days Jesus rose from the dead! All the disciples were overjoyed! Then Jesus went to heaven. And that's what Easter is all about."

Language Arts

We worked on diagramming compound subjects and verbs. We also talked about direct objects.


We had a bit of a hodge podge this week. We talked about hover crafts, clocks, and we did an experiment to see what objects would conduct electricity. Mackenzie was a little annoyed because I wouldn't let her watch Justin do the whole experiment on our Discover and Do DVD. We were going to use some of the same objects so I didn't want her to know the results before we started.

Daddy helped with this one.

They tested 5 objects: Paper clip, Coke can, penny, quarter and foil. Here are their hypotheses...

I took a ton of pictures of the experiment but only one came out. My husband has a knack for ruining pictures. LOL He either sticks a body part in the middle of it or it's blurry because he can't be still for more then 1/100th of a second. True story.

Here are their results.

The Coke can had the most interesting results. The body of the can did not complete the circuit but the tab did.

Social Studies

We finished Carry On Mr. Bowditch this week. We were very happy that, despite all the loss he endured throughout his life, that it had a happy ending. We were very amazed with his genius and all that he accomplished.

We also started reading about the Louisiana Purchase in The Landmark History of the American People. Mackenzie and I were both glad that we weren't the ones who had to make that instant decision to buy the Louisana territory from a persnickety Napoleon. It certainly put Jefferson in an awkward position, that's for sure.


We finished our review on rounding by 10s, 100s, and 1000s. We were supposed to start a new lesson on Thursday but we were at Busch Gardens. We decided to put off the new lesson until next week. I love having the option to do that.


Mackenzie started playing field hockey this week. She loved it. A close friend and her daughter are field hockey nuts so that's how we heard about this clinic. I'm from Michigan so I'd never even heard of field hockey til I met them. One of her coaches in on the Olympic Field Hockey Team. I didn't even know there was a team for men. LOL

Have a blessed Easter!!


  1. Looks like a great week. Love those resurrection eggs!

  2. Sounds like a great week! Having Dad around to help out is always fun and your daughters newspaper was so wonderful!
    Have a wonderful Easter!!


  3. A fun and busy week. It's great when Dad decides to get into the schooling too. Happy Easter!

  4. You guys had an awesome week! How fun! and don't feel bad, I am from Texas and I don't even know what field hockey is...


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.