Friday, March 12, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up

Happy Friday!!!

We had another pretty good week, despite a couple of little girls who decided to get colds. One at a time, of course. And some really nice 70's weather trying to distract us.


Our lesson this week was on Jesus raising the dead. We talked again about how faith in Jesus can lead to miraculous things. Although not always someone being raised from the dead. =o)


Mackenzie learned her x8s this week, which was her last one to learn. Next she'll be moving on to double digit addition.

Language Arts

We talked about contractions and conjunctions in FLL. Mackenzie wants you to know that a sentence diagram with conjunctions in it looks "cool." So now you know. LOL We worked on commas in a series in WWE.


We're still working on weather and talked a lot about how air pressure can affect the weather. We did a fun experiment, with a cup of water and an index card, that showed what air pressure can do.

She had her doubts as to whether air pressure was really going to keep that water in, despite watching Justin from Sonlight do it first.

She was very happy when it did right. Then she had to admit that she should've known that Justin would not steer her wrong in such matters.

Social Studies

We are reading some good stuff, Carry on Mr. Bowditch and The Story of Eli Whitney. (Mackenzie is still reading about Martha Washington as her reader.) We are loving both and, according to Mackenzie, they are... "true Sonlight picks. They make you so emotional but you can't put them down." 'Nuff said.

Be sure to check out what everyone else has been up to over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.


  1. That looks like a fun week. The air pressure demonstration is always fun. Thanks for sharing and have a good weekend.

  2. Love those simple experiments, especially when they work the way they are supposed to! My son is reading Mr. Bowditch right now as well. I think he is enjoying it, but he doesn't usually admit to such things. ;)


  3. Great week! Loved your air pressure experiment. My kids just love studying about the weather.

  4. Looks like a fun week! We are going to be reading all three of those books next year, good to know that y'all enjoyed them!

  5. Ahh, the sippy cup used in the experiment looks like some we have at our house. Sounds like a good week, minus the sick kids part.

  6. We are loving Mr. Bowditch and Eli Whitney too! I thought the Eli book looked dry, dry, dry, but it's really good. I guess that backs up the old phrase, "You can't judge a book by its cover."

  7. My brother isn't right about everything, but we did our best to have him be helpful in Discover & Do [smile]. Glad the experiment was successful!


  8. Your daughter has a great smile at her successful science experiment.

  9. It looks like she really enjoyed that experiment. Fun! :)

  10. Love the pics to go with the experiment! Sounds like great fun!


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