Monday, February 22, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up

We had another good week with school being done by lunch. Woot!


We studied the various times when Jesus fed the mulitudes and had good discussions about how He will provide our needs.


We're still working on our times tables, x8's this week. She's still not as fast as I'd like her to be with them but we're getting there.

Language Arts

Mackenzie is working on memorizing a new poem, The Bells by Edgar Allen Poe. She doesn't have it memorized yet but she sure likes the poem. For grammer, she was reviewing the different uses of verbs and adverbs. She's definately gotten the diagramming down.

Social Studies

We have come to the end of the American Revolution and are now studying the difficulities of starting a new country. Particularly getting 13 separate states on the same page. Particularly when nobody would send delegates to help fix what was wrong. We learned why the Articles of Confederation didn't work and how the states had to compromise to get a constitution that would work for all.

Mackenzie is reading George Washington: Our First Leader, as her reader. Together we've been reading If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution. We're particularly enjoying the sections that describe what some of the leaders personalities were like. Who knew GW had such a temper? LOL We're also reading from The Landmark History of the American People and The Story of the USA vol. 2, to help fill in the blanks.

We're finishing up our read aloud, Toliver's Secret. Mackenzie likes it because the main character, a little girl, is acting as a spy for the patriots. Mackenzie aspires to be a spy one day. LOL


We learned about wind, frost, and snow this week. No experiments but I am going to post pictures of last weeks rain experiment. I finally got it off my camera. LOL


Here are a few shots of Mackenzie playing basketball. This is her first year playing so she's a bit afraid of the ball. I wish I had gotten a picture of her dunking when the ball game to her. LOL She's great at running up and down the court to her "position" but then she pretty much tries to avoid the ball. She's the one with the ribbons in her hair. (She had to cheer for the next game.)


  1. Good to hear you had another good week! Everytime I read your posts I get excited about studying Early American History next year. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Looks like a good week was had. My oldest is going to be 9 this year too! She announced to me in the car this week that in 9 years she would be 17. Oh No!!!

    We are moving to northern Virginia, DC area this summer. When are you all moving?

  3. I am looking forward to history too! Thanks for sharing!


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