Saturday, February 13, 2010

Tot School

~Kayleigh is currently 24 months old~

Tot School

Hello fellow Tot Schoolers! I hope you all had a great week.

One highlight of our week was that Kayleigh behaved during big sister's school. Because we forgot to turn off the tv in the living room on Monday. She kept wandering between there and the school room. And she didn't dump out anything. It was amazing.

The main highlight is that Kayleigh turned two!!! I'm not sure how I feel about that but I guess I can't stop it. LOL

Because of the birthday this week, we didn't really do the letter or number themes. We did get in a lot of "love" activities. And she actually did them.

Love Theme
Kayleigh decorated a big red heart with Valentine stickers.

She transfered white/pink/red pom poms from a bowl to our valentine icecube tray. We started off with tweezers but she wasn't ready for those yet. So we switched back to a spoon. She did this over and over all week long. I still can't believe it. She never does what I want her too. LOL

She painted a "V is for Valentine" picture with her new red Crayola Beginnings Paintbrushes. I love, love, love them. They are so easy for her to use and not much for me to clean up. My only complaint is that they only come in four colors.

We went on a heart hunt. I made a trail of hearts and she collected them in a bag. Then we were supposed to use the hearts for a game of Valentine Number Match Up. She did match the #1 with one heart but that was all she was willing to do.

Big Sis read her Five Little Candy Hearts and then they did some Valentine Math . She wasn't too interested in doing the actual counting because she wanted to eat the candy hearts. She managed to stop herself from eating the candy until I gave her the okay. LOL That was more then I'd hoped for.

She spent some time playing with her ball pounder. It's always nice when she hits things that she's allowed to. LOL

She also enjoyed playing with her magnetic animals. She always insists on putting the parts on wrong. It's like a game for her.

Although she won't be having her party with family for a few more weeks, she enjoyed some special things on her birthday.

A special birthday treat for breakfast.

Some presents.

And a cake.

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to check out the other Tots over at Carisa's.


  1. Hey those red doddle for valentine looks great.

  2. Happy Birthday to your little lady! Looks like a fun week :) The way she puts together the animals is too cute. I haven't heard of those paint brushes before, I will have to see if I can find them here. Thanks for the tip!

  3. Happy Birthday! Maybe a plus of her getting older is more cooperation. :) I completely understand what it's like to have your child not want to do anything that you set out for them, and I applaud you for sticking with things so well!
    Looks like y'all had a great time!

  4. Happy Birthday to Kayleigh! Looks like she did really well this week for her birthday!!

  5. Happy Birthday! Love the picture of her smiling with her cake! =)

  6. Happy Birthday! What a nice week! :)

  7. Happy Birthday Kayleigh!!! What a great week!

  8. Looks like you had a very fun filled and special week. Happy birthday to your sweet little girl! I love the look of pure joy on her face in the last picture! =)

  9. Happy Birthday!
    I am so glad that you had a better week this week. I was thinking about your post for last weeks Tot School and hoping this week would be better.
    Also, do those Crayola brushes leak? I had the palm type ones and they were terrible.

  10. Happy Birthday to your little girl. Looks like you had a fun week.

  11. What a fun week! I love those beginner paint brushes! Happy Birthday to your little cutie!

  12. Wonderful week!! I love the sisters working together. SO sweet!!

    And, I'll totally have to try those paintbrushes. I've seen them but had never heard anything about them. I'll have to pick some up next time I'm out and about!

  13. Happy Birthday Kayleigh! So many fun activities.

  14. She looks like she had a really really fun week :) Thanks so much for stopping by my blog :)


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