Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tot School

Tot School

Kayleigh is currently 23 months

Hello fellow Tot Schoolers! I hope all is well with you. We've been busy, busy, busy. Hence our absence from blogging. Between Christmas, a trip to Michigan, hubby being home, adjusting to "back to school" with my older dd, and a demanding/opinionated tot, something had to give. Blogging drew the short straw.

Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with it better. Maybe...LOL
Our holidays were nice. Kayleigh got a lot of things just perfect for Tot School. Hopefully they'll make into some photos. I got a laminator (Woot!) so that's been fun.

Now we just need to make Tot School more consistent. I've been failing miserably at that. Kayleigh is very, shall we say, high maintenance and she's been making Mackenzie's school difficult and long. And third grade is a priority before Tot School. So it's been sporadic. But we have been doing some things. When she's willing.

So here's some of activities, as of late. Some are from before Christmas. LOL Since the holidays we've been working on a winter/snow theme, a very loose theme.

Clearly, this was a before Christmas shot. I got the Nativity stickers from Oriental Trading.

These pictures are particularly exciting to me. I asked her to draw me a circle. And she did! Sorta... I'm more excited about the "she did" then the actual circle-like drawing she made. She rarely does what she's asked. LOL

In this shot I feel like she's mocking me saying..."Don't get used to this lady." LOL

Here she is playing with her new Magneatos. Fun, fun!!! Big Sis likes them too! Thanks for the recommendation, Carisa.

Here she is matching colored mittens that she can't destroy thanks to my new laminator. Yay! I would like to tell you where I got the mitten game but I can't remember.

Oh and be sure to notice that the game is on a tot tray. I picked those up when Carisa mentioned that OTC had free shipping on any amount. I snagged those and some stickers. Right now, I'm just putting activities on the trays to train her to keep her "work" contained. It's nice in theory.

And this was the one and only time that she actually would play the game. It was a resounding "No" every other time I brought it out.

She's decorating her snowman with pencils and binger markers. She worked on this all through out the week. I just left it on her little desk and she wandered over whenever she felt like it. The hardest part was getting her to wear the paint shirt.

We discovered tried this activity in a moment of desparation. She likes to empty all of the drawers in our school room while I work with Mackenzie. This particular day she had discovered the pony beads hidden away. I hadn't let her use them before because of the choking hazards. But we were desparate to get on with school so we sat her next to us with a small cup of pony beads and a pipe cleaner. She loved it! And I only had to get on her 3 times for putting them in her mouth.

And as a special surprise, God sent us something we never see here, to add to our winter theme. Snow! I think the last time we saw this much snow was 7 years ago when my oldest dd was the same age.

Oh my! I almost forgot. Kayleigh is now an athlete. She is "playing" basketball with other tot's through our local homeschool sports league. She loves it! For the first 15 minutes anyway. Then she wanders off for the remaining 15 minutes and reappears when they bring out snack. LOL

Aren't they adorable?

Be sure to check out the other tots over at Carisa's.


  1. Great activities. I love the snow pictures- so cute :)

  2. My little 3 yo dd is reading with me, and she said "Ah, Look at that sweet girl." She is an only girl in a house full of boys. Loved your pictures! *Ü*

  3. Too cute! I love the basketball shots. She is adorable. 1st time at your blog - very cute! :)

  4. Well, she may be demanding but my GOODNESS, she is SO cute! :)

    What a great week, too. You found all sorts of fabulous activities!!

    Glad to "see" you back! I'd wondered where you'd gone!

  5. How cute! Glad I'm not the only mom whose tot does school in her PJ's!

  6. What a great couple of weeks. I am so glad you got to see some snow. We miss it terribly here in California.

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Always fun to see what other tots are up to. Sounds like you've got an intense one! I love that she surprised you with the bead/pipe cleaner activity. I'll have to try that with B! Lots of great activities--thanks for sharing!

  8. Those Magneatos are great! I too have a toddler who rarely does what I ask, so I totally understand!!


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.