Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tot School

Kayleigh is currently 21 months
Tot School

Hello fellow Tot Schoolers! We're back!

We've been slacking off Tot School a bit these last couple of weeks. We got distracted by other things, like Daddy coming home from Iraq. Yay!! So that's what we've been doing. Hanging with Daddy.

Kayleigh took to him like he'd never left. So he's enjoying her attitude, stubborness and fits just like the rest of us. LOL

We did do a few Tot School activities this week.

Our first activity was more spooning. I bought a new, snowman-shaped icecube tray and jewels. Last month Kayleigh liked doing this activity, as long as it was done her way. Her way being shaking the pumpkin and acorn jewels to make lots of noise or dropping the whole lot on the floor. I wasn't looking forward to that but thought we'd give it a try again.

And guess what? For a (very short) period of time, she actually did what I wanted. It was amazing! Mackenzie and I were shocked.

I reeled her in by telling her the snowmen were hungry and they need a "bite". She loves to steal "bites" from other people and she loves to feed babies so she was interested for a little bit.

Her interest was short lived. I pulled out the activity a couple more times this week but all she wanted to do was make a mess and lots of noise with it.

The second activity that I'm going to share is what she did with her new nesting blocks. Now we have nesting blocks already but when I saw these, I had to have them. Who doesn't need seasonal nesting blocks, right?

I, as always, had grand visions of how this activity was going to play out. We were going to sit happily stacking the blocks as I told the story of Christmas that is so nicely displayed all over them.

Now I knew I was asking A LOT. At our house block use looks like this: I stack the blocks about 3 high before she knocks them all down. She doesn't help build, EVER, and I never get higher than 3.

Naturally this activity did not go as planned. She had no interest in hearing the story of Christmas. Not on blocks, not from books, not by watching it on T.V. LOL But she did surprise me by stacking the blocks, all of them, all by herself. If I didn't have pictures, I still wouldn't believe it.

Naturally, this was a one time only deal. She would not stack them again and the blocks never make it past 3 high. LOL

One of her other activities, that I didn't photograph, was playing with our Little People Nativity. That's still one of Mackenzie's favorite things too. Kayleigh likes to push the angel on top and dance around to Away in the Manger. I hope to get video of that next week.

Oh and she's finally starting to recognize some her shapes. She's been naming hearts, stars, and circles consistently for a couple of weeks. I'm so excited.

She's still not gotten her colors down. I thought she might have gotten pink and green but it turns out that was a fluke. That's okay. We're adding quite a few things to our Tot School collection when Christmas comes. Including a laminator for mommy. =o)

And here's her other new "skill."

Pretty impressive, huh? LOL

Be sure to check out the other tot's news skills over at Carisa's.


  1. Glad to hear that daddy is back safe from Iraq. Thanks to him and to your family for your service to our country!! I adore those Christmas nesting blocks!!

  2. What a fun week! And a big LOL to the new "skill"!!! I, too, have grand plans of participation, patience and direction-following from my little ones - and that never happens!

  3. First of all, she is TOO adorable!! Love the new "skill." Hehe! :)

    And, I'm so, so happy for you all that your husband has come home!!! That is SO wonderful!

  4. Ok, I have soo many things I want to comment on...
    First, SO glad your husband made it home safe and sound!!
    Second, love the new skill LOL!! Ah, kids.
    Third, ALL I want for Christmas is a laminator. That's it. Are we schoolmoms or what?! LOL
    And finally, those nesting blocks are awesome. I must have them. LOL

  5. So glad to hear your hubby is back from Iraq, safe and sound. I love those nesting blocks, maybe next Christmas I will get some.


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.