Sunday, October 18, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up: Photoless Edition

It's time for another Weekly Wrap-Up hosted by Kris over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

I'm a bad momma, I didn't take any school pictures this week. So you'll have to make do with my rambling only. LOL


Our topic this week was Jesus at the temple. I, as a mommy, always enjoy this reading as it stresses obedience to one's parents. =o)


This week, in preparation for multiplying but nines, we worked on skip counting by nines. Once again, Mr. Demme and Math-U-See amaze me with their tricks and tips. I'm forever learning something I never knew or noticed. Have you ever noticed the pattern that you get when skip counting by nines?


How neat is that?

Social Studies

We are continuing on with the Pilgrims and the New World this week. We learned about that first winter, the Mayflower Compact and lots of other interesting stuff. I think Mackenzie's favorite new fact was that the first Thanksgiving was actually 3 days long. We also had some fun hands-on stuff with our Life in Plymouth Colony History Pocket.

We finished reading Squanto: A Friend to the Pilgrims and The Sign of the Beaver. We just bawled through the last 2 chapters of "beaver." Mackenzie is already rereading it on her own.

We also started our first chapter in The Landmark History of the American People. Sonlight is very upfront about the "issues" with this book. First and foremost, it starts off rather dry as it's more text bookish. Sonlight freely admits that the first 10 chapters are can be rather difficult, with the first chapter being the worst. Secondly, the author tends to write in a more "mature fashion" then other books used by Sonlight. So it's going to take some getting used to.

A lot of people have given up on the book but we are not giving up. At least until we get past the chapters that are "labeled" as difficult. I've seen countless raves about this book for the remainder of the book. Even in the Sonlight IG, they put in a blurb about "if you've previously set this book aside please consider starting reading it from here on out. It's going to get really good!" Or something like that. LOL Sonlight has never let me down yet.

So we will plow through those first few "boring" chapters, armed with our beloved IG notes. and hope for the best. The one section we've read so far, wasn't too bad so I'm not really worried.


We talked more about our body, specifically the skeletal system.

We also went back to The Virginia Living Museum to see their exhibit about megalodons. We're weren't too impressed with it though. Usually their special exhibits are fabulous so it was a bit of a disappointment. We salvaged the day by getting a Zoo Book magazine about sharks from the gift shop and reading up on those while we watched them swim around the tank.

Language Arts

We studied verbs again this week, focusing on helping verbs. First Language Lessons makes grammar so painless. We love it!

This week our Writing With Ease lesson used portions of the book Nurse Matilda. While we were reading it, Mackenzie commented on how it reminded her of the movie, Nanny McPhee. She was very surprised to learn that the movie was based on that book so she had to go to the library to check it out. She's already declared the book better than the movie and she's only a few chapters into it. They always are my dear child. LOL

I hope that everyone is having a great week!


  1. No photos? GASP! I'll let it go this week, but there better be some pics next time :) You always have great pictures. I'm sorry the megladon exhibit was a bust :( Have fun in Jamestown!! Can't wait to hear about it!

  2. Well I almost didn't read the report because of the lack of pics, but... :)! Looks like you guys had a busy week. Hope you have a great trip to Jamestown, looking forward to reading about it.

  3. Just came across your blog through the Weekly Wrap Ups posts. I'll continue to read your adventures with Core 3 as I'm considering it next year for my crew.

  4. Sounds like you guys are doing some fun stuff. Had to chuckle at "the book is better than the movie." It's so true!!


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.