Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tot School

Tot School

This week we worked on shapes and colors. We played with mega blocks, our shapes puzzle, instuments, read lots of books, and paid a visit to The Virginia Living Museum.

I didn't get a lot of pictures this week but here are a few.

Be sure to check out what the other tot's are up too over at Carisa's.


  1. I love that shape puzzle! The Virginia Living Museum looks awesome. We don't get down that way too much, but will have to put it on our list for the next trip down that far.

  2. Yes, great pictures! I love the one of her on the bridge :)

  3. great pics :D I love your blog name! I invented collective nouns once (and use them frequently round here) - "a giggle of girls" and "a riot of boys" !! :D

  4. Love the picture of her crouched down with her puppy on her back. So much concentration.

  5. We have the same shape puzzle and it is my daughter's favorite! I love the pictures from the museum. I also live in Virginia but have never heard of it. I will have to see if it is close to me!

    Thanks for the nice comment on my blog.

  6. Beautiful pictures!! I love blogs with lots of photos. :)

    Thanks for your nice comment on my blog - Guam sounds so exotic!

  7. Awesome pictures and such cool animals to see! We have a monkey backpack like your dog, LOVE it!

  8. what a great tot school week

    your one of 3 winners for a set of nature circle cards contact me so i can get your info to the company!


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.