Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tot School

Tot School

Kayleigh is currently 18 months

This is was our first week of "planned" Tot School. I decided to try using themes, very loosely.

So our theme for this week was Farm Animals because Kayleigh is very into ducks, cows and sheep lately. Did you know that a cow says "boo!"? Me neither but Kayleigh's pretty certain that it does.

Here are some of our farm activities...

We danced with scarves to "Old Mc Donald"

Kayleigh has started showing some interest in letters, or "AB's" as she calls them. If you show her something with writing she'll shout "AB's!" So I'm gently introducting the letters to her.

We read Little Scholastic's Alphabet over and over and over. Or rather, we sang it.

We also played with the wood pieces from Handwriting without Tears. Mommy squeezed an "A" in there. Kayleigh noticed it and shouted "AB's" before destroying it. LOL

She can also "lip sync" the "AB's" like a pro. I'm trying to get a video of her doing this but she hasn't been cooperative.

We also did a few farm related "art activites". Although I think Kayleigh's favorite part of "art" is wearing sissy's old nightgown for a paint shirt. She wore it for 3 days in a row, even when we weren't doing art.

We used dot markers to dot "A".

We made a sheep using Kayleigh's handprint for legs and she stamped the sheep's body with Crayola's Tadoodles stamps in farm shapes.

We worked on shapes and colors using bean bags, puzzles and playing Hullabulloo.

Things Mommy learned...
That Kayleigh does not like "Tot School" in one "session". She likes to spread the fun throughout the day.


  1. Such fun! It kind of makes me wish I had a toddler around again. :o)

  2. So cute! Great pictures. I hope you can get her lip synching the ABs on video...priceless!

  3. Cows say "boo" at our house too :)

  4. Can i ask where you get your letter printables from? Like the 'Aa' one you have on here that you did the dot painting with?

  5. I forgot all about scarf play--thank you!!

    Love the dot paints and her sheep is awesome. How creative!

    Hope you have a great second week too!

  6. Isn't scarf play so fun. My daughter enjoys it as well.

  7. I love her squeals of delight while she is dancing to the music and I love your farm theme ideas! And the AB's - so sweet! *Ü*

  8. Hi! Thanks for visiting! Kayleigh looks like a sweetheart:) You have some great tot toys! I love the art projects you did, especially the hand sheep. I'd like to do a farm theme gave me some good ideas to try!

  9. What fun activities. I loved the video of her dancing. She really enjoyed that! I love your pictures. Do you use a special program to make them with the captions?

  10. This is my first visit here and I must say you have two sweet girls here. I loved seeing what you are doing with them

  11. Wow, wow, so fun!! I especially love the large wooden sticks from Handwriting without tears. So fun!


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