Tuesday, August 4, 2009

One more reason to LOVE Sonlight

We've been Sonlight users since the day we started homeschooling. I love books, my daughter loves books, as soon as I saw the curriculum I knew it was meant for our family.

I have never regretted that decision. There are so many reasons to love it!

The books are fantastic. We laugh, we cry, we reread. What could be better than cuddling on the couch with a great book and calling that school?

I can't think of anything either! =o) And we've been learning tons! And I do mean WE. I've learned tons, as well. And I have a minor in history.

Their customer service is top notch. They go above and beyond the call of duty time and time again. You have a problem, they'll fix it. If you have suggestions on ways to improve the curriculum, they'll listen. And don't be surprised if your suggestion becomes a reality in a future revamp.

"Box Day", the day your HUGE box/es of Sonlight books arrive via UPS/FEDEX, is a much celebrated day in the home of any Sonlighter. It's as anticipated as Christmas morning around here. We even get a geography lesson out of it as we track our beloved boxes. And the joy of opening those boxes full of books...words just can't describe. But maybe pictures can.

And guess what? 90% of your purchase is reusable. It's not a bunch of workbooks that get tossed when they're completed. It's real books that you're child will want to read over and over. Real books that you'll be able to use again with younger children. You're getting a 2-for-1 deal (or 3-for-1 or 4-for-1 depending on your family size) on curriculum. Buy it once, use it over and over and over!

We've been raving about to everyone we know for years. We think everybody should be able to enjoy learning this much.

What's not to love, right? Well, now they've gone a step further. Sonlight has announced that they will give a $5 dollars off to anyone placing their first order ($50 or more) if they are referred by a current Sonlight customer.

Simply, you get $5 off because I told you to check Sonlight out. How many companies do that? They are that awesome!

What do I get out of this? I'm not sure exactly. They got some sort of points system in place for those doing the referring. I don't really understand it. It doesn't matter really, because I'd be telling you about Sonlight anyway. I'm happy knowing that you'll be getting $5 off a fabulous curriculum.

My Rewards ID: SS20146209

Or just use this link:


Check out http://www.sonlight.com/why-sonlight.html for some great articles about Sonlight that may help. I particularly appreciated "27 Reasons NOT to Buy Sonlight," "You can teach your children--with confidence--from your first day" and "How Literature-Rich Homeschooling Awakens Your Child's Natural Passion for Learning."

1 comment:

  1. I'm a sonlight user, too. We wouldn't dream of using anything else. I liked your box day post!


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