Friday, August 28, 2009

Tot School #1

Tot School

I've known for a while that Kayleigh needs some more guided activities in order for us to stay sane. She is very curious and very demanding and requires a lot more attention then Mackenzie did at that age. So I've been pondering starting up some specific "toddler time" for her for a while now. The pondering's been great but the actual implementation...not so much.

But now I've found some inspiration!! It's called Tot School.

So what is Tot School? It's a Meme that is hosted by Carissa at 1+1+1=1. I stumbled across it recently and it has a wealth of information for toddlers with tons of fun activities to encourage learning! I've been pouring over the site the last few days getting ideas. (And I think I've got Kayleigh's whole Christmas list finalized now. LOL)

Mainly, I'm in the "planning stages". I've been making lists of toys we already own that would be great for our "Tot School". Making another lists of toys that I want for it. (And I'll confess to ordering 3 new things after seeing some of the things on the blog. LOL I can't wait for them to arrive. The others are on her "Christmas List".) And I have another list of things I can make.

I'm hoping have a more organized plan of play in a few weeks. But for now, here are some of the things that we did this week on the fly.

Of course, we went to baby gym...

We went to the waterpark twice, but I didn't bring my camera either time.

We read lots and lots of books, as usual. She loves to be read too. Mackenzie is really good about reading to her as well.

This morning I gave her an empty water bottle and some clothes pins and she had a good time with those.

We also took an impromptu field trip to Krispy Kreme today. We learned that, while not healthy, those yummy donuts give you a mad burst of energy.


  1. Thanks for your comment and I am so glad you have found us! I know what you mean about the long Christmas lists!!! That's how we have gotten MANY of our Tot School toys!!!

    ;) Carisa

  2. Yay! So happy to have another mommy doing Tot School. We have been doing it for a few months. I love Carissa's sight. She is so inspiring!

  3. That sounds right up my alley. I've been looking for educational and motor skill developing activities to do with Bram while Fox is working on his independent school work!


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