Sunday, March 12, 2006

Over Scheduled (flash back)

On Friday, school got waylaid because we had so many errands to do.  I can't even remember what we did. LOL  So we ended up having to play catch-up this weekend.

But it was a good week.  We finished 3 books, caught up on some science experiments, got all of our book work done.  Mackenzie's very excited to start some new books.  And one of them is really short, only 4 chapters, so we'll finish that this week too.

And today is Monday!  I love Mondays, we have no obligations.  It is the only day that we have to ourselves. 

Our schedule is crazy.

Tuesdays, I teach 2 dance classes (out of my home) then we have our bowling league.  (I'm a terrible bowler.  Highest handicap in the league. )

Wednesday, Mackenzie's swim lesson, and AWANA.  Mackenzie is a cubbie, I'm the Sparks director, and Kevin helps out with the Sparks also.

Thursday, 3 dance classes.  Thursdays is always a crockpot night. LOL 

Friday, Kindermusik and another swim lesson. 

Saturday, gymnastics.  And I'm thrilled that it doesn't involve my participation. Woo-hoo!

Sunday, church.  Now church is not normally considered an obligation. Except when they are desperate for help with the kids and I get "stuck" in the 3/4 yo room.  March is an obligation month this time.  The 3/4 yo class is not my cup of tea.  I don't mind any other age group except this one.

It's so weird because I taught pre-k in my college days and loved it.  Maybe it's just these particular 3 and 4 yo's.  LOL  Not many of them take direction well (or at all) and there's a great deal of  whining and being disrespectful.  And don't even ask about sharing.  It would seem they've never heard of it. LOL  Luckily, they're all really cute so you can't be too upset with them.

Although I was a tad upset with the pastor for running 30 minutes over on a day when they were particularly rowdy.    All of us workers were checking our watches wondering what was up. LOL 

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