Thursday, March 9, 2006

Our School Supplies (flash back)

The spine of our school is Sonlight.

We both love to read, read, read and I knew that this was the only curriculum for us.  I also like their focus on a world view as opposed to more of a focus on the U.S.  (And I am a military wife and I love, love, love my country and will defend it with my last breath.)  But our country has only been around for a few hundred years, as opposed to the rest of the world.  It only makes more sense that you need to spend more time on the rest of the world.  I want her to have a heart for everyone, not just those around her.

Right now we're in SL's core K.  It is so much fun!!  So far there's only been one book that we didn't love but she got a lot out of it already.  We're way ahead of schedule when it comes to reading.  Technically we're in week 8, but in read alouds we're in the week 11 stuff.  Like I said, we love to read.  And she loves that Ergemiers Bible.  She drags that book around all day.  It melts a mommy's heart.

For LA, we use a few different things.  We're using SL's LA 1, not so much for the phonics, as she's an advanced reader. But more for the grammer and writing.  We did most of LA K, with core pre-k, but for some reason we both hated it.  We're liking LA 1 a lot better so I'm glad I gave SL LA another try.  She's really enjoying their readers, even though she is beyond them.  They are great for her fluency and it's so easy to add in more readers. 

For phonics we use Explode the Code and Headsprout Online phonics.  She's almost done with both levels of Headsprout.  It's a lot of fun and it's made a huge difference in her reading.  They introduce stuff in a totally different way than most phonics programs.  If you're intrigued, you can try the first 3 lessons free at .  

For math we're using Math-U-See and Singapore EB.  We're mostly focusing on MUS right now.  We love, love, love it.  I learned tons just watching the demo before I bought it. LOL  The way he introduces things like place value amazes me.  I can't believe how quickly she caught on to that.  She's really getting it and applying it. It's wonderful.  We love Mr. Demme.

She enjoys Singapore as well.  She's almost done with 2B.  Then I've got to decide if I want to continue doing 2 math programs or not.  I love MUS but it does have a very different scope and sequence then the "norm."  And if I ever move to a state that requires testing, that might be a problem. (And we never know where we're going to wind up. LOL) And you can't argue with Singapore's math program.  They do have the best math scores in the world.  They also have a great approach. 

We've also used Saxon K and couldn't stand it. It made us crazy!  More prep work then I wanted and she couldn't stand all the repetition.  "I already know patterns."  It was a great relief to ditch that one.  We still use all the manipulatives though.

For science, we're using SL K level.  I love that they send pretty much everything I'll ever need to more door.  Especially living here in Guam, where it's hard to find a lot of things.  And I don't like a lot of prep work.  If I have to go searching for supplies, we won't be doing the experiment. Sad but true. LOL   And the Discover and Do dvd that comes with the program is AMAZING.  She'd watch it all day long.  (And hey, if you didn't manage to get to the experiment, at least you've watched someone else do it. LOL)

We also do some critical thinking activities.  We've used Can You Find Me? , Visual Perceptual Skill Building, Building Thinking Skills, Mind Menders, Developing the Early Learner

I'll admit that the critical thinking stuff is the first to get thrown to the wayside when life gets hectic.  It's been a while since we've done any of it.  I think I need a kick in the pants.

I tend to neglect art a lot.  I hate the mess from crafts.  I've been managing to get in one artsy project a week so far.  And a good friend is going to be homeschooling her dd next year so we're going to do art together.  She's more creative and into crafts then I am.

For PE she does dance 2x week, swimming 2xweek, and gymnastics once.  Plus she owns a bike.

And we attend Kindermusik as our music lesson.  She's learning to read music and play a glockenspiel.  Very cool.  And I'm not musically inclined so it works our GREAT.

Sheesh, we do a lot.  How do we fit it all in? LOL


  1. That was so much easier for aged eyes to read!!!!!!

    You make me want to move to Guam........have you figured out who I am yet? I was pretty sure my punctuation would give me away!LOL

  2. How DO you fit all that in??? You are putting me to shame, Girl!

  3. I know lots of people who like !!!!! as much as I do. LOL

    Another hint please.....

  4. Dang you're But your child has one awesome momma! She's very blessed.


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