Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Welcome to Our School

It's time for the annual Not-Back-To-School Blog Hop, School Room Edition.  We moved this past year so we have a brand, new school room. It's radically different from our Old Room.

We just LOVE it!!! So without further ado, here's the grand tour, working counter clock-wise from the door.

To your right next to the door, you have a strange little niche. It houses a small book shelf with some of our older Sonlight Cores, my laminator (woot!), and our All About Reading board. We have a lot of book shelves and they suck up most of our wall space. So there the board sits. It works out fine for us to sit on the floor and work on reading. 

Next up, our circle time area. Those windows are my absolute favorite part of the room. So much natural light!!! Kayleigh spends a lot of time here doing calendar, Bible, and read alouds. Some storage bins from Ikea hang out there too.

We use the wall space here for Kayleigh's Bible time line cards and to show off her hard work. She loves to show her daddy what she did at school.

Next up is my desk area that I rarely use. The kid's computer is there as well as the printer. I love the photo hanger on the wall, which I use for art. You can get them at Target. So cute and many styles. 

On the other side of the piggies, Cherry and Luna, is Mackenzie's domain. I'm afraid to open her desk draw and see what lives in there. She also has a spot for her art. Kayleigh's work boxes provide a nice table for those messy piggies. Kayleigh doesn't have a desk, just a little table to work at. Next time I'm near Ikea I'm getting something bigger. I'm old and my back cannot take those little chairs for much longer.

Our book cases and storage bins. We use Sonlight and we need lots of book cases. We could actually use a few more because I've got 3 or 4 more Sonlight cores packed away for lack of room. This upsets Mackenzie because she LOVES to reread those Sonlight books. The poor dear is clearly deprived of reading material.

Last stop on the tour, the back of the room. A door to get out and a closet filled with stuff. I'd show you the inside but the pictures came out blurry and I'm too lazy to retake them. Nothing falls out when you open the doors, unless Kayleigh has been digging in there, so it's managed to stay semi-orderly.

The desks, storage units, book cases, and filing cabinet all came from Ikea. I forget what style the desks were but the storage units, with bins, are all part of the Trofast System. And the shelves are the Billy book cases. I HEART Ikea!!!!

And there you have it, The Sonlight Academy of Girls.  Thanks for visiting!!! Don't forget to tour other school rooms by clicking the blog hop graphic below!



  1. your room looks so inviting, bright and cheery.. Thanks for sharing it and also labeling everything. That's awesome.. Hope you have a truly fun filled and blessed school yr and thanks for stopping by my blog on the back to school blog hop :)

  2. Those windows are terrific! I must admit to a little homeschool room envy :)

    Your funny comments throughout the post had me giggling as I 'toured' your room. Thanks for sharing, and have a GREAT year in your pretty new space!

  3. I love your shelving units with the removable bins, very nice room! :)

  4. Looks like a fun learning space! How awesome to have a room just for schooling. Mine doubles as the...diningroom! LOL

  5. I heart Ikea too! Your schoolroom is beautiful. It is so neat and organized.

  6. I love the space! Bright, cheerful, and best of all to me - full of opportunities! Thank you so much for opening your room to us all. - Lori

  7. It's a beautiful room and I love strange little niches. : ) I'm also a sucker for windows too -- it makes all the difference in the world to have a room with lots of natural light.

    Have a wonderful year!

  8. It's a great room, with lots of natural light. I love light. I also like the open space in the center. It looks like a very pleasant place.

  9. Love the room! Your circle time area is adorable!

  10. Awesome room! & you are SO well organized!!

  11. I love that your GP's can live together - each of my girls have one and since they were bought at different times we have two huge cages in their very small room :) thankfully they stay on top of litter changes so the stink is little to none :D

  12. Oh my goodness, LOVE your shelving and those bins! Beautiful bright room!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog too!

  13. Wow! I love your room! It's very organized and cute :)


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.