Friday, August 23, 2013

Review: Beauty in the Heart

I was recently given an opportunity from Doorposts to review their new Bible study Beauty in the Heart: A Study of Godly Beauty for Young Women.

A study on Godly beauty is a very timely one for us as our Mackenzie is on the verge of becoming a teenager. In a world where young girls are encouraged to wear less and less, knowing God's standards for beauty is a very important topic for any parent of young girls to discuss.

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About Doorposts

Doorposts seeks to provide parents with Biblically-based parenting and character training materials. Started by a busy mom of five, Doorposts offers a variety of products designed to help you raise a Godly child. They offer products for character training, Bible studies for mom, dad, boys, girls, and the entire family, scripture memorization, and more.

Our Experience

 photo BeautyCover_zpsd1ccc789.jpgWe received the Beauty in the Heart Bible Study in print format. Mackenzie, my 12 year old daughter, was away at various summer camps for half of the review period so I decided to do the study myself and see what it's all about.

The study teaches will teach your daughter what the Bible says about modesty, serving, and humility by focusing on Ruth, Sarah, and Esther. These are things that God considers to be true beauty. Who wouldn't love this for their daughter? All I have to do is turn on the tv or log onto facebook to see that these are areas that our society isn't too concerned about these days. I want my daughters to know that God is interested in their inward appearance, not on what they wearing. That alone is enough to sell me on this study.
But there's more. And it's really neat.

This study is also designed to help your daughter learn how to study the Bible. That's not even the cool part. The cool part is how they do it.

The book is made up of nine separate studies. Each study will teach your daughter a new way to study the Bible. They will learn how to do the following types of studies:

Inductive Study
Verse Study
Character Study
Book Study
Word and Topical Study
Chapter Study

I did not know that there were so many different ways to study the Bible. This excited me so much because I learned new and different ways to study God's word. And what a great gift to give you daughter that will benefit them for their entire lives. I  LOVE it!

I love how this study gets you digging into the Word. It teaches you how to outline the content of the passage, to study the original Greek and Hebrew, gather all of Scripture's words about a particular topic, use other resources to help you study your Bible and so much more.

The creator recommend that you get a topical Bible, concordance, and colored pencils to aid you in your study. I told you that you'd be learning to dig deeper. They also recommend digital resources for your iPad if the print versions are out of your budget.

This study is definitely a step-up from the types of studies that Mackenzie has done in the past. This is no "little girl" devotional. It is going to help her grow into a young lady and lead her to a deeper relationship with the Lord.

Teaching your daughter what true beauty is and how to study the Bible in a variety of ways is a double win in my book!!!



Age Range: 10-12

Pricing: Pre-order for $14. Print books will ship by August 29.

And check out this special...

Use the coupon "beautystudy" during check-out and get a FREE instant download PDF when you pre-order.


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