Monday, July 8, 2013

Field Trip Friday: The Mariner's Museum

The Mariner's Museum is one of our favorite places to visit. It's one of the largest maritime history museums around and it's totally awesome. We go there a lot.

There are many fabulous collections to see: The Art of the Sea, Navigating and Scientific Instruments, Ship Models, and more. Fabulous exhibitions: Age of Exploration, Miniature of August F. Crabtree, Defending the Seas, Great Hall of Steam, and our favorite, the USS Monitor Center. And there is always a few exhibits that get changed every so often like Abandon Ship: Stories of Survival or Fragile Waters.

This time around we went to see the Fragile Waters exhibit, which is a collection of black and white photography focusing on the beauty and vitality of water. Featuring photography by Ansel Adams, Earnest H. Brooks 2, and Dorothy K. Monnelly, I can assure you it was simply amazing.  Just look to your right. Wow. 

Mackenzie was surprisingly very into it. Kayleigh not so much. Until she found a photo or rocks. Then she was ready to take it home and hang it in her room.  She didn't care about the photos of adorable sea lions or dolphins, or no, just the ones of rocks. Typical Kayleigh.

Once we finished up with the photography we took a quick jaunt through the rest of the museum to see some of our favorite things. 

We can't come here and not play dead. Unfortunately only Mackenzie was willing to participate because Kevin and Kayleigh were trying to destroy clipper ships or something on one of the interactive exhibits. Haters. 

It's funnier when we have a larger group. But this pose has become a tradition. lol We just can't help ourselves. 

Defending the seas by lying around in sub racks. It's just like the two of them to be lying down on the job. 

Surviving the Titanic. Shew!!!

Lost at Sea

Aboard the USS Monitor

To see where other families have been visiting, click the Field Trip Friday button below.


Chestnut Grove Academy Field Trip Friday Blog Hop


  1. Sounds like a neat trip! Stopping by from the Field Trip Friday blog hop.

  2. My son would be all,about the whole titanic thing!! Thanks for linking up at FTF!


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