Sunday, February 17, 2013

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One With Tears

So there were a few tears this week. For various reasons. I'm schooling girls. They're naturally moody. One is hitting the hormonal years. Both with the diabetes.  It's to be expected. There are actually tears several times a week. I just found this weeks tears to be more interesting than normal.


Mackenzie spent a lot of time this week catching up on her swimming creatures science notebook and ocean box. She's great about taking notes while I read, a bit lazy about the other stuff. And I don't even make her do the busywork pages like the crosswords. So this week she played a bit of catch up.  She's still not caught up. lol

She did get a walrus added to her box. But the shark and ray are still missing. As soon as I work up the energy to walk up the stairs, I'm going to get her on those. I don't care if it's not a school day.

We are still studying India. India is fascinating. India is beautiful. India is heart breaking. We've been reading through Teresa of Calcutta and the images of Teresa working with the poorest of the poor led us to Sobfest 2013.  We haven't had this good of a cry over a Sonlight book since we read Lincoln, A Photobiography with Core 4. We've had a few tear ups and sniffles, of course but this was a full on cry. Great book!!!  Amazing woman. Such an angel. We're going to keep the tissues handy while we finish this one.

Now we're dying to watch Something Beautiful for God, the first documentary of Teresa. The one that brought her to the attention of the world. Except that we can't find it anywhere. You can find the book but not the movie. Gah!!!!!

We are also still loving our read aloud, Shadow Spinner . If my voice could handle it, we'd be done already because we're dying to know what happens. Thankfully Mackenzie's reader, Around the World in 80 Days ,  is not dependent on the state of voice. I think she might be ahead of schedule but she's not talking.


Now Kayleigh had tears for a totally different and much more amusing reason.  I got out the scissors. Now scissors in and of themselves, do not make her cry. She likes to cut things. Things like her hair or Mackenzie's math. However, when you ask her to cut on a line. Waterworks!!

We read a poem about a bat in Language Lessons for Little Ones so I thought it would be fun to make a bat out of her hand and foot prints. Being that she's five now, I thought maybe she'd enjoy cutting out her foot while I tackled the hands. Nope. Same story, different age. Please note that she is perfectly capable of cutting on a line rather well. She just doesn't like to do it. Too constricting, I guess. She did like drawing the teeth on the bat though. lol

Cutting lines isn't the only thing she doesn't like though. She doesn't care for cheerleading either. For years she's been BEGGING to do cheer like her sister. This year was her year. Do you know what she said after the first practice?  "I didn't know this was going to be too much hard work."  I about peed my pants from laughing. Cheer is through our local homeschool group. The coach is moi. I was a dancer in my youth but never a cheerleader. Everything I know about cheerleading comes from You Tube. Clapping, stamping, and shouting the cheers are about as tough as it gets, people.

Little Miss just doesn't  like to be told what to do. I'm making her stick with it for the season. I need the extra body. This week I bribed her with a lollipop to make it through the game. It worked. Even with the knowledge that a shot of insulin followed the lolli.  Next week I'm going to tie one to a stick with a string and wave it in front of her for extra motivation. Plus it will amuse me.

In other news, she's been helping me with some review items. One you can read about by scrolling back a couple of days and the rest you are going to have to wait for because she's not talking. Or cutting. Or cheering.


Linking to: Photo Collage Friday, Homeschool Mother's Journal, Weekly Wrap-Up, Preschool Corner


  1. What a cute post! We had tears this week, too, but it was in reading about God taking the first born of the Egyptians during the deliverance. Eli does not like sad Bible stories. He's in for a tough life, huh??

  2. She totally cracks me up! Especially the comment about cheerleading. And basketball. And soccer. LOL! She's a trip. :) Love her!

  3. The girls certainly keep life interesting, huh? LOL

  4. Stefanie -- I totally get the tears. With a very hormonal 11 year old in my house there are tears often. {sigh} This leads to tears from me. I won't blog about it a lot to protect my daughter's privacy, but this is a difficult adjustment time.

    I'm so thankful for you and your linking up each week. I was looking back at an old blog post (from 2010) and noticed a comment from you. I didn't realize we had known each other that long. Very cool. :-)

  5. I guess that's what I have to look forward to with 4 girls in our homeschool! We have tears often too! We usually cry over violin or piano practice or spelling or math. So, we get tears a lot! I'm a little afraid of the pre-teen years!


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.