Monday, February 4, 2013

T is for... Times Two

Today my biggest baby is turning twelve. Except that I am very, very, very against my baby turning twelve. So we shall refer to refer to it as the year Mackenzie turned six times two. The times two must be whispered because I don't like this part of the equation. I'm not joking.

So today my oldest baby is six times two.  Sigh...

Happy birthday to my sweet, sweet BABY!!!



  1. Awesomeness! Love her lots. Happy Birthday, Mack! <3 & (((HUGS)))

  2. Aww, happy birthday to her! I feel the same way. My oldest baby just turned 11. *faint*

  3. Happy Birthday!! My babies are all growing up too fast, so I feel your pain. ;-)

  4. Aww! They grow up way too fast dont they? My youngest just turned 13 and my oldest daughter just got engaged(she's 23).I also have a 20 year old son who has T1D and is a sophmore in college.


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