Friday, January 11, 2013

Weekly Wrap: Really!

Well a new year has begun and with it we are back to school. Thank goodness we've had more breaks then I care to think about. We practically used up all of our time off for the entire school year in the first four months. Good thing that we homeschool so that I can control the schedule.

The students might not be as thrilled to get back of a more normal schedule after all of the craziness of the past four months, but this momma sure is.

Sixth Grade

Mackenzie has jumped back into her full load. Sorry girl, no easing back in at this point.

We are currently studying India and learning a lot about the culture. We are also learning about William Carey and his work there and that has been fascinating as well.

In science we are starting our lesson on fishes. And it was really a bit of a grammar lesson too. There are two correct plural words for fish. There is fish, which refers to more than fish of the same kind. And fishes, which refers to more than one fish of many varieties. Who knew? Not this girl. All this time I thought more than one fish was still fish, no matter what kind. I love that I learn as much as the kids while homeschooling.

I tried to find a virtual fish dissection app for the iPad. I didn't find exactly what I was looking for but I did find THIS APP. This was not a virtual dissection but was a series of short videos that showed someone else dissecting a fish. It gave a bit of narrated information about what you are looking at  and it reinforced a lot of what were learning in the book. We've been using it a lot with this lesson.

She is acing math at the moment. This year's Math-U-See focus is decimals and she is a whiz at decimals thanks to her diabetes care. You can see exactly why HERE.


Kayleigh has had a much longer break than her sister. She wasn't feeling it with all the upheaval, and I wasn't pushing it. She's been on break since some time in November. Lucky girl!

While on her break, she was really interested in writing letters properly. She was very to see that her Handwriting Without Tears lessons have move passed coloring and onto actual letter formation. She had fun with the manipulatives, we have them all, and with the iPad app. She even taught her sister's American Girl doll how to make an L. And she did a great job in the actual book. She was excited to write something besides her name. lol

Her reading lessons were all review since it's been so long since we did anything. I'm happy to report she hasn't seemed to forget anything. I guess we'll move on next week.

She was most happy to get back her Sonlight books. She was super excited to finally get to listen to her Tall Tales cd. This week we listened to Johnny Appleseed, so naturally we had to make apple prints. And eat apples. After we counted the carbs of course.

She also is working on a review item with me for The Old Schoolhouse and so far she seems to be having fun with that.  Naturally, I'm not going to spill the beans on that one just yet. =o)

She's plowing through All About Reading and having fun with the gentle approach. Her favorite thing this week was spreading jam on bread and then tracing J into it with her finger. That's a tasty way to practice writing your letters. Then she used it to make a PBJ sandwich for her lunch.

Here's hoping we're going to get into our groove. Finally. For the first time this year.

Linking to Weekly Wrap-Up, Photo Collage Friday, Homeschool Mother's Journal, Preschool Corner.



  1. You have had such a crazy fall, I bet it's really nice to get back into a routine! You are an amazing and insipring mom!

    My daughter is kind of a reluctant reader. I am wondering if All About Reading would be a better fit for her....

  2. We're studying India this week, too. I really like PBS's Story of India.

  3. I think I have a link to virtual dissections at school. I will look for it.

  4. Nice week back. We started back too and it was interesting and of course didn't go as planned but that's alright. We had some additions to add in for new curriculum so that at least went well... XOXO

  5. It is good to hear that you guys are back to your "normal".

    Love the pictures and the school work sounds fun and challenging at the same time.

    Thank you for sharing.

  6. When I searched for you on google, because I was on a different computer, google suggested I might be looking for life with my jiggly girls...


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.