Sunday, December 9, 2012

M is for... Memories

I have had, in the past, lots of grand ideas about ways of preserving family memories. Scrapbooking was the worst one that I ever had. Not that scrapbooking is a bad way. It's a beautiful art. However I'm not very creative. And it involves a lot of clean up. I don't enjoy that. And it's time consuming. I have very little of that.  I've never completed a single album. Not one. Ever. Ever. Ever. (Sorry that annoying Taylor Swift song is in my head.)

So I tried digital scrapping and that is much more my style. And it takes a lot less time. And no clean up. I've actually completed many digital scrapbooks. I still don't have a lot of time, especially since diabetes has taken over our lives.

But one of my favorite digi-scrap projects is our December Daily album. (DD is the brain child of digi-scrap designer, Ali Edwards.) Basically you document your family's activities through out the month of December. It can be as simple or as involved as you like. I am determined to get the book done this year, regardless of what else is going on because my girls LOVE looking back on the albums. And they do it often. So here's a peek at our memories that we've had so far this December.

You can see some our December Daily's from previous years HERE.


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