Friday, June 29, 2012

The Sixth Grade Line-Up

Well I don't know what the weather was like at your house but it was hot here. Crazy hot!

So we packed up our suits and towels and headed for Water Country. A few hours floating down the lazy river was a great way to beat the heat.

And that was pretty much all that we accomplished this week. LOL

So in light of our easy week, I thought I'd share what we have planned for Mackenzie in sixth grade. Typing out the words sixth grade in reference to my daughter made me a tad sick to my stomach. Boo to middle school!


We'll be doing a little combo for Bible this year, since we've received so many wonderful review items for this subject. The Apologia is more of a devotional type study and the Classical Academic Press is more of a "study the Bible" study. I think they'll compliment each other well. And we're only about half done with both of them so together they will get us through the school year.

Apologia What We Believe series

God's Great Covenant New Testament by Classical Academic Press

Social Studies

Since we extended out our Sonlight core from last year, we will continue on with that until we are finished.

Sonlight Core F Eastern Hemisphere


Math-U-See Zeta

Supplemented by:

Life of Fred Decimals & Percents

In the hopes of helping her dread math a little less, I'm going to attempt to add in more living math opportunities now and then.


Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day

We're going to be doing the experiment portion of the study as a little co-op with our friends. We're very excited about that.

Language Arts

Growing With Grammar 6

Institute for the Excellence in Writing, Student Intensive B

Word Roots, A1 & A2

Sonlight readers and read alouds for Core F

Arts & Languages

A Young Scholar's Guide to Composers

The World's Greatest Artists study

Artistic Pursuits

Visual Latin

Private Piano Lessons at Young Musicians of Virginia


Soccer, basketball, and cheerleading through Beach Junior Athletics

And that's what sixth grade will look like at our house. At least until review items come pouring in. lol
What are you using next year?

Linking to the Weekly Wrap-Up, Blessed Beyond a Doubt,  and Homeschool Mother's Journal


  1. I get a little stomach churn whenever I think about 6th grade for my oldest this fall too. Then I get all panicky, and wonder if I'm really going to be able to do it. I sure hope so! Glad to know I'm not the only one nervous about it:-)

  2. We are also using Apologia for science and doing the experiment portion with friends as a co-op. We are doing the Human Anatomy book though. I am curious to see how you'll like the Fifth Day one. That one and the bird one caught my eye as well.

  3. Looks great! I'm still deciding! LOL

  4. Looks like a great line up - I can't wait to do the Sonlight Eastern Hemisphere Core with my youngest.

  5. Yeah it was HOT here too.

    How can our "little girls" be in sixth grade already?! Crazy!! Love your line-up - we're doing some of the same things.

  6. I know what you mean. I have an eighth grader in the fall :(. We are getting ready to use Sonlight Core F with my 6th grader. I might need to pick your brain.

    Amy B

  7. We are doing Apologia next year as well. We are torn between the fifth day and the land animals... I am thinking the Fifth day because we have some awesome aquarium classes we are attending this year and I think that will fit perfectly!

  8. Does playing Monopoly count as living math?

  9. We also use Apologia for science and Growing with Grammar and have been very happy with both.

    I host an Apologia Blog Roll on my blog if you are interested in linking up. It's a great way to connect with other Apologia users and gain some tips, advice, and encouragement.


  10. I know what you mean about 6th grade. My daughter is in 5th this year and I am already stressing about it. Your curriculum looks great!

    I'm loving your blog and I'm now following you! Have a great day!

  11. What a great line up you have for next year!

    If you are interested in connecting with other Apologia users, I host an Apologia Blog Roll on my blog at:


  12. LOL! I guess I already came across your blog! I just noticed my previous comment! I've been coming across so many Apologia users lately!!


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.