Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tot School: Changes

There are some changes happening here for Kayleigh and her education.  As I mention in a previous post, Kayleigh has been making a lot of progress in the area of reading.  I guess since she's actively learning to read, she's really not a tot schooler any more.  I might have to officially call her a pre-ker.   Darn her for growing up!

Raising Rock Stars

This week in, Raising Rock Stars Preschool, we were working on K and Psalm 34:13, Keep your tongue from evil.  That is a good one for Kayleigh as she can have a very sharp tongue.  She was happy because she loves the letter K, for the obvious reason. LOL  Here are her highlights.  My favorite is her reaction to the cutting/taping of the verse.  Definitely not long enough to suit her tastes. LOL  And maybe the verse itself hit a little to close to home?  ;o)

She had a grand old time painting her RRS craft.  So much fun that she totally covered over the lines and I had to redraw them once the paint was dry. lol

Kayleigh was doing her "sassy pose."

 Reading, Reading, Reading

Since her reading is taking off, we are now going to be doing her All About Reading at a faster pace.  The second half of the program focuses more on phonics and I'm anxious to get there.  But I want to continue with the first half because it contains some great pre-reading skills that I still want her to be familiar with.  This week we worked through K & L.  We worked on some more rhyming activities, made our letter crafts, and made our letters out of pipe cleaner.  

We finished up with our second You Can Read unit.  She has officially added I, can, me, you to her list of known words.  When I get around to remembering, I'd like to make her a a portable word wall.  One day I will get around to it.  This week she played sight word bingo with her sister and found her words in sentences.

To give her more phonics practice, I have added in the Get Ready for the Code series.  So far she loves the book.  She's worked through about 12 pages this week.  I'm sure that won't last. LOL  She does great with the phonics portion but struggles with all of the writing, so we skip some of that. I'm going to switch her over to Handwriting Without Tears for handwriting in the near future.  We own all of the manipulatives already and I really love the program.


All of our reading came from the 20th Century Children's Book Treasury.  Kayleigh loves it as much as Mackenzie always did.  She often reads it to her babies.

The Rest

She's been having some fun with some of my Pinterest finds this week.  I saw some great ideas and we had to try them out.

Reading a "legend".  She had to put the correct color sticker on number according to the legend.  She really liked it.  She did not like having her picture taken.  lol  I made printables for numbers 1-10 and I'm going to work on 11-20 soon.  Click the picture to download.

Work those fine motor skills by weaving on a cooling rack.
She loved it and did it for a few days.

Cut a straw and the string the pieces.

Huge it.  She's worn it all week.
 I found this on Rock-a-bye Butterfly.  So cute and versatile.  You can just switch the number of bears to coincide with the child's abilities.  So I made a printable to go with it.     Kayleigh had a blast.

Stacking foam blocks with tongs.  HUGE hit!




  1. I love her face in the verse picture. She does not look happy about ho short it was!

    It's awesome that she is taking off with reading! What a great gift for her!

  2. What a great week. Always bittersweet when they enter a new phase...

    BTW...I'm following (stalking) you on Pinterest! Love your pins and have added a bunch of yours lately!

  3. Aw, she's adorable! :D So many great, hands-on stuff! (How do you find time to pull it altogether?)

    So, I was wondering...Have you used Hillyer's (I think that's the author) A Child's History of the World? What do/did you and the girls think?

  4. Looks like you had a great week! Such cute photos!

  5. I love the layout of your photos. I may have to email you later for some pointers on making mmy blog look more awesome.

  6. So cute! Another great week. They grow so fast don't they?


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