Friday, March 30, 2012

Review: Amazing Animals by Design

We recently were given the opportunity to review a wonderful picture book  from Tate Publishing.  This sweet story introduces intelligent design in a way that young children can understand.  That is certainly something that you don't see very often.

About the Book

Why is a giraffe's neck so tall? Why do zebras have stripes? Did all of these things happen by accident? When John and Sarah visit the zoo, they ask these questions and many more. Their parents and the zookeepers keep using the word design, but what does that mean? With its relevant message and exciting presentation, this is the perfect book to help introduce children to intelligent design. Come find out in Amazing Animals by Design by Debra Haagen!

Our Experience

We received the PDF version of the book and it was super easy to load on to our iPad and Kindle.  The pages looked exactly as you would expect of an e-book.  

My preschooler was immediately entranced by the adorable illustrations.  As we began reading, my older daughter came over to listen in.  We all learned a lot of interesting facts about these four-legged creations of God.  We were even introduced to a couple of animals that we'd never heard of before.  

The author carefully shows the unique characteristics of each animal and how these characteristics are perfectly suited for the animals life style and environment.   She gently points out of each of these special characteristics weren't "accidents," but part of a carefully thought out plan designed by The Master Creator to help take care of the creations that He loves so deeply.  How refreshing!!!

This delightful book has quickly become a favorite of my little daughter.  We read it for "school", for fun, and for bedtime.


Age Range: Pre-k-third grade (although my fifth grader enjoyed it too)
Price: $8.99 for the paperback version,  $7.99 for the PDF e-book

Learn more by visiting the Amazing Animals Facebook Page or visiting the author's website.

Click the Crew Banner to read more reviews

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book for review purposes.  All opinions are my own.



  1. I looove how your divvied up the post! Nice and readable. From one reviewer to another! ;)


  2. Thanks for your review! I think I'll add this to my list of things to order! Love your blog--very pretty!


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