Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tot School: F

 Kayleigh is 4

Raising Rock Stars

We were working on the letter F this week.  Our memory verse this week was one of my favorites, John 3:16.  It's a bit of a long one so we're going to need to work on that a little longer.  But boy was she happy about the length of the verse when it came time to cut out and tape it together.  It was nice and long!!  For whatever reason, she's been insisting on hanging her verses on the closet door in our school room.  Maybe she wants to admire the long ones and curse the short ones?  Either way, it cracks me up.  Surprisingly, she did a FABULOUS job coloring her verse sheet this week.  She took her time and tried really hard to stay in the lines. Weird, right?

All About Reading

This week she got to play her favorite AAR rhyming game, "Get Out of the Wagon."  Unfortunately, for me, this was one of those weeks were she only wanted to give the wrong answer and crack up at her wit.  AN-NOY-ING!  The craft this week was really cute.  She had to color the frog and then make "finger print fish" in the pond.  She did a great job coloring this too. It turned our really cute!  Maybe she's over her hatred of coloring.


This week we finished out little science unit about digestion and have moved on to animals.  We are currently reading our way through Our Animal Friends on Maple Hill Farm. Very cute!  The book is cracking her up with the way it describes the behavior of the animals on the farm.

The Rest

Let's see...She was practicing her name again on her Crayola Dry Erase Center.  Did the Letter F Dot Page from ABC Animals. For some reason we forgot to do our ABC Animals craft so we'll squeeze that in next week. She worked in several of her Kumon books, mazes, numbers, and folding.  From our Letter of the Week stash we did letter sorting, F magnet page, and fish measuring with Gold Fish.  Anything involving food is always a hit!  She worked on some fine motor skills by spooning marbles onto the back of a fish shaped bath decal.  She went "fishing" with our fish puzzle and did the frog and fish pages from our Button Art game.  Lastly she worked on fractions.  Not really.  I bought these neat magnetic fraction manipulatives for Mackenzie and Kayleigh wanted to play with them.  Why not? Fraction starts with f. lol

In other news, I am hosting a give away for a 3-month membership to Jump Start online.  Both my girls are really enjoying it and one membership is good for multiple children.  You can enter HERE.



  1. Love all of your photo collages! You really packed a lot of stuff in!

    Found your blog through 1+1+1=1. I'm your newest follower and Pinterest follower too (I heart Pinterest!)

  2. Love your letter F activities. We went over the letter F recently too.

    Love the photo collages!

  3. I just had to laugh about her giving you the wrong response and thinking it's funny...and YOUR response to that. I feel ya! :)

  4. I agree, those photo collages are great. It sounds like you have quite a comic on your hands, too!

  5. My daughter seems to have recently gotten over her hatred of coloring, too... :) At least she's actually finishing a page now and then. It's annoyed me that I have all these really great coloring resources and couldn't get her the least interested.

    Sounds (and looks) like a packed week!

  6. Your Tot School posts always make me wish I had a little one again.


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.