Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tot School: Bb

This week we have moved on to the letter B.  We did a lot of B activities using Raising Rock Stars, All About Reading pre-1, and  various activities from Tot School Printables, Animal ABCs, COAH’s Letter of the Week
Raising Rock Stars
Our verse this week was Matthew 5:9, Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be sons of God.   She did finally memorize it but it took some doing.  For whatever reason, she did NOT like the world peacemakers.  I have no clue what that was about. LOL  Here’s a peek at some of our other activities.
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Rapuzel was helping out with school one day.  She was so busy helping that she didn’t bother to brush her hair.DSC_0083a
Kayleigh was so pleased with the length of the verse this week that she made me hang it up on the wall so she could admire it without having to hold it up. DSC_0089a DSC_0130a
Our song this week was The B-I-B-L-E and Kayleigh insisted on dancing with one of her bibles everyday. lolDSC_0167a
All About Reading
This week we played some rhyming games with Zecora, formerly known as Ziggy.  I was pleased with how well she did with this.  We hadn’t really worked on rhyming before so I guess all the Dr. Suess reading has paid off.
For our letter craft we dot painted blueberries onto the B and added some nice grass along the bottom.  Kayleigh liked the painting and the gluing but wasn’t really interested in posing with the finished product.
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For our tactile B activity, I deviated from the AAR list and got out our wooden letter pieces from Handwriting Without Tears.  She LOVED this and spent another 30 minutes just building with them.
AAR recommends 20 minutes of reading aloud each day and that is a perfect fit with our love of Sonlight.   Our readings for this week came from Hans Christian Anderson’s Fairy Tales, 20th Century Children’s Book Treasury, Richard Scary’s What do People do All Day, and the Family Time Bible.  Naturally, Kayleigh is never satisfied with what is scheduled for reading.  We scoff at 20 minutes. lol 
Other Fun Stuff
Kayleigh happened to be sitting near me one day while I was doing some blog reading.  I happened to be over at 1+1+1=1 and she noticed that Ladybug was doing “Zecora School” like her.  Then she noticed that Ladybug was doing a cool alligator A.  And where was her alligator A?  So now we’ve added in some of Carisa’s Animal ABCs.  Very cute!  And Kayleigh also enjoyed a lot of the extra printables too.
Backtracking a bit and doing the alligator craft.
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Which lead to her painting her nails.  Literally.  With paint.  Please note that she DOES NOT like her nails painted with nail polish.  It freaks her out for whatever reason.  Like the word “peacemakers.”

We worked on our Brainy Baby puzzles and a jigsaw that she got for Christmas.  The jigsaw pieces were a bit tight so she hammered them in.
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Dot painting Bb
She’s working on writing her name and she had a BLAST with the color page from ABC Animals.  Instead of coloring all of the bears she decided to give them makeovers using the correct colors.  She spent days on that.
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Traced some shapes.
Played My Little Pony.
We played a fun butterfly counting game from COAH.
Kumon dot-to-dots and sewing.  She requested the lacing so I had to print one out real quick. 
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She hunted for Bs in a little butterfly poem and worked on her ABC Animal B.  She spent a great deal of time lining up dot paint bottles instead of actually painting.
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And we got back into our Artistic Pursuit lessons.  This week she had to draw one of her favorite things.  She chose her new Belle baby doll.  Her drawings crack me up.  And she got as much marker on her nose as on her paper.  Smelly markers are so tempting. lol
And that was our week.  We actually accomplished everything that I set out to do.  A miracle.
Click the buttons at the top of the page to see what other tots have been up to.


  1. I love all of your pictures. Looks like she accomplished a lot and had a ton of fun. I loved teaching my dd the alphabet!

  2. I love your letter B activities. We were learning about the letter B this week too.

  3. What a fun week! I love the marker on her nose - too cute! :)

  4. Looks like a great week! I really need to get on the ball and do more fun things with Miss Paya - she would love some of these activities!

  5. Great week! Looks like we use some of the same resources. Where did you find the tracer pages with the colored dots? Love the "makeovers"!

  6. It looks like you guys had a great week! Scented markers are a favorite in our house to! I love the weeks we are able to get all we want to accomplished.

  7. Thanks for stopping by! I see lots of familiar materials here, looks like we have somethings in common! I'm a new follower!

  8. I just love the hammer to the puzzle, that cracks me up. Too funny about the peacemaker word too. What a full week she had!


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