Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Hey, We're Still Here

I haven't been feeling like blogging again, too much Christmas fun to be bothered. And maybe some Christmas lay-around-and-do-nothing was involved to. And, quite possibly, my December Daily book has kept me so busy that I don't want to be on the computer for anything else.

 Mackenzie has just been enjoying her free time.  Kayleigh has done some tot school but I haven't gotten around to editing those photos so you'll just have to take my word for it.  lol

Next week, we'll be back to the grind.  We have a few changes in store for us and a lot of great things to review.  I'll share more about that later.  For now I'll share some more of my December Daily layouts.




  1. Love your December daily layouts! Have a Happy New Year

  2. Nice post...thanks for sharing..blessing these holidays from our home to yours...soraya

  3. Beautiful pictures! Happy New Year.


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