Sunday, November 13, 2011

Tot School: The One With Two Videos

Kayleigh is 45 months old



This week there was no method to our madness.  I did not have a plan and I would wake up each day and just wing it.  Here’s a look at our hodge podge of a week.

We finished up our Raising Rock Stars unit.  Here she is working on her craft, watching the power point show, and practicing her letter I.

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She knocked her memory verse out of the park and I managed to get it on video.  Soooo cute!

Philippians 4:13

We did some other random activities including a few things from COAH, our Kumon books, and some manipulatives.

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We have a new sensory bucket.  This was also thrown together at the last minute.  Popcorn, silk leaves, acorn/pumpkin “gems”, green & orange pom poms, pumpkin ice tray, and various tongs, spoons, and containers.

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We did a lot of art for our upcoming review.  She really took to finger painting.  Her old sister hated that as a tot but Kayleigh dove right in.

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I also got some video of her at her dance class.

Dance at the Little Gym

Click the buttons at the top of the page for other pre-k fun.


  1. I can't get over that she's 45 months old. That's almost 4! No way! She's growing up too fast!

    She's adorable! LOVE the videos!

    How do you juggle Pre-K and a 5th grader? I'm having a hard time juggling a mostly independent 7th grader with a 4th grader and 1st grader! LOL

  2. It must be in the air...cause I totally had a wing it week too!


  3. What a fun week! Love the picture of your daughter painting & your sensory bin. I'd love for you to link up at my TGIF linky Party - I am also your newest follower. I'd love for you to follow me back, if you want =-)

  4. Cute fun. I love watching my kiddos paint... just not a fan of the clean up =)
    Found you at TGIF.

  5. I always love seeing what your doing in tot school Makes me want a tot. lol

    Love the memory verse video. Super cute!

  6. Love the acrylic// plastic leaf trays in your sensory bin. I like finger painting but hate the clean up!

  7. Looked like a top notch sensory bin for last minute...and I love the videos, how adorable is she!! Thanks for sharing stopped over from the preschool corner. Blessings!

    Forest Rose

  8. Sounds like a fun week. Sometimes it is fun to just wing it!

  9. I love the videos. Wing it weeks often turn out to be the most fun.


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