Thursday, September 22, 2011

Reviews: Wonder Maps

I was recently given the opportunity to review a totally awesome map program called WonderMaps by Bright Ideas Press.   I just LOVE it!!! It's going to be hard for me not to gush about these maps.  =o)

About WonderMaps

WonderMaps is a fabulous program that gives you access to hundreds of historical and modern-day maps, right from your computer.  There are four categories of maps to choose from: World maps, US maps, historical maps, and thematic maps.  You name it, it's there.

What makes this program soooooo wonderful is the fact that the maps are totally customizable.  There are literally scores of different ways to customize these maps to your needs.

Color or outline, with or without rivers, boundries or no boundries.  The possibilities are limitless.   Just click the items that you want to include on your map and you are set.  It's that easy!

The program is also totally easy to navigate.  I could explain the navigation system to you but I think I'll let the pictures do the talking.

It really doesn't get much simpler than point and click does it?

And the maps are beautiful and easy to read.  I haven't once heard my daughter cry that she couldn't read a map since we started using them, and we have been using them non-stop.  They've helped us with history, Bible, and geography.

Pros and Cons


    *Easy to navigate
    *Totally customizable
    *Hundreds of maps to choose from
    *Clear and easy to read maps
    *Works on PCs and Macs
    * Includes maps sets that go along with Mystery of History and All American History


    *There aren't enough hours in the day to play with this program.
    *I'd love to see a set of maps to go along with Sonlight Cores.  Hint, hint.   ;)

My Final Thoughts

I love this program and I would recommend it to anyone.  We have had our fair share of map woes this year and this program as turned our frowns upside down.  They have truly been a blessing to our homeschool.


Available at Timberdoodle:
Price:  $44.95
Ages: all

I was given this product to review as part of the "Because Mom Said" review program by Timberdoodle.  All opinions are my own.

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