Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tot School: Ponds

Kayleigh is 41 months old


Raising Rockstars

This week we finished up our Ll unit.   She handled it about like I expected with a few surprises. 

Her tracing was better than expected and she the Ls she traced actually looked like Ls.  Although, I’m sure that if I asked to write an L, I’d get a blank stare and then some scribble. LOL


We also made Ll out of play doh using play doh mats from Homeschool Creations.  Great fun!!


We made a “light” craft that came with the Raising Rockstars bundle.  It had their Bible verse on it.  (Mackenzie is learning the verses with us. 



She did a great job cutting out her verse, Matthew 5:16, and had a blast taping it together.  Tape is such a thrill for her!


She loved that it was bigger than she was. LOL


I wasn’t really expecting her to actually memorize the whole verse.  I was thinking that she’d be able help me say it by filling in some of the words.  But yesterday she just said the whole thing, right out of the blue.  That’s typical Kayleigh.  You never really know what she knows until she decides that she wants you to.  LOL

I even managed to get her to say it on camera.   She was kind of rushing but I couldn’t get her to say it again clearly.  You’ll get the idea. LOL

Kayleigh’s first Bible Verse; Matthew 5:16

That was a nice wrap-up to our first Raising Rockstars Unit.

Pond Theme

We also did a pond theme this week.  Most of our stuff came from 2 Teaching Mommies, Homeschool Creations, and 1+1+1=1.

We used the Pond Life Nomenclature cards from 1+1+1=1 with our pocket chart.   This was primarily a vocabulary builder.


She had a great time teaching me the names of the picture with the pointer.


We played pond match up  with these boards and cards, also from 1+1+1=1.


Not pictured, she matched the pond animals from her sensory bin to the animals on the board.  She LOVED that.

And since I brought up the bin.  Here it is…

We have blue pom poms, blue/clear gems, and blue marbles for water.

Pond animals from various Toob animals. (Farm, river, and frogs and turtles to be specific)

A blue suction mat fish.  We like to stick marbles on those for fine motor.

Lily pads made out of fun and whatever silk flowers that I had on had. 

Not pictured: Spoons, small buckets, and tongs


Generally she likes to play pretend with the creatures in the tubs but this time she actually did some of the fine motor aspects.  She’s a mystery, this one.


She practiced counting playing with the Feed the Frog game that I made last year.  We got all the way to ten before she lost interest in the counting and only wanted to feed. You can download it here.


The following activities came from Homeschool Creations Pond Life Pack and 2 Teaching Mommies Pond Unit.  So cute!



Sorting insects and non-insects


Graphing pond animals


Another sorting activity…


Pond Spelling…with ABC cookies!  Yum!


The Rest

We also did a ladybug shape activity from Making Learning Fun.


She hunted big and little Ls.  She was a really stickler to find every one.  This was f rom Confessions of a Homeschooler pre-k pack.


Her first dot-to-dot from a Kumon Number book.


We built worked those motor skills with some foam, golf tees, marbles, and a hammer.  Anything with marbles and a hammer is a hit here.


She loves the Kumon Let’s Fold book.  It usually ends in a game of peek-a-book with a paper animal.  Woot!


Our game for this week was Melissa and Doug’s Sandwich Stacking Games.  It is loads of fun!  It gets the kids moving, they learn sequencing and following directions, and it’s fun to play “restaurant” with.  The big kids loved it too.





  1. That video is the sweetest thing EVER!! May this be the first of many, many of God's words hidden in her precious little heart! God bless!

  2. Oh how fun! I love your sensory bin- the toob animals are a great addition. We're doing "bugs" this week and I just got the insects toob. Now I just have to figure out what to put in the bin. :)

  3. ABC cookies.....what a grand idea! :) I will have to find some for my littles.

    I just bought a couple toobs off of Amazon for our swamp/pond/river habitat unit.

    Thanks for sharing! I always appreciate your posts. They are organized and easy to read. :)

  4. That all looks like so much fun! I'm thinking about doing the pond theme in a few weeks because there is so much you can add to it.

    My daughter loves tape too. Ahh, the little things that bring them joy!

  5. You're doing such a great job keeping it fun and interesting! I always wish I had started homeschooling sooner. These are such precious years, aren't they? Your girls are beautiful, and I loved the video!

  6. Wow - you're so creative! I like to think I was extra creative and FUN when my girls were preschoolers, but I'd be kidding myself. We did have a fun time, at times, but I didn't do the greatest job of planning at times. Thank you for sharing this with us!


  7. WOW! That is a lot of pictures - you guys were busy! :) Great job mom! Blessings!


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