Monday, August 29, 2011

Review: How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. For Your Kids

About How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. For Your Kids

From the publisher:
How well do you really know your kids? What has God shown you about who they are and who they will become? He has sent these children into your home at this specific time for His glorious purposes. Indeed, you have been invited on the adventure of a lifetime, a journey on which you will see walls fall, seas parted, and giants slain. You don't need special skills or training for this journey—you need only to seek God and hold tight to His mighty hand! As with so many things, the first step to having a heart for your children is knowing your heavenly Father. As you seek daily to share His heart for your children, keep this inspirational book close at hand.

My Experience

Every homeschooler goes through highs and lows along their homeschooling journey.  Some days it’s hard to remember why you entertained the thought of homeschooling in the first place.

There are times when the kids are so off the hook that you dream of putting them on that big, yellow bus.  Other times, it’s you who’s losing it and you wonder if spending the day trapped with mom’s insanity is really what God had in mind for His precious children.  At least, that’s been my experience. 

What I got from this book was encouragement, some conviction, and a renewed sense of purpose.  It’s a book that was written to improve my homeschool, and yours.  This book gets to the heart of the matter alright, starting with the person reading the book.  It’s all about the relationships.

The author shares her personal experiences and what has, and hasn’t, worked for her.  She covers five different areas:
H – Have a heart for things of God
E – Enrich your marriage
A – Accept your kids
R – Release them to God
T – Teach them the truth
Reading this book encouraged me to improve myself so that I can be a better example of Christ for my children.  It reminded me that educating my children is about so much more then teaching the three Rs.  It also reminded me that I am not in this alone.

The book won’t give you an instant fix but it will give a plan to get to where you want to be and a renewed sense of purpose. 

This is a book that I’m going to read before the beginning of every school year, and whenever needed in between.  It’s that inspiring. 


Website:           You can preview the book on the Apologia  website.
Price: $13.00
Read more reviews of this wonderful book at The Homeschool Crew Blog.


I was given a copy of this book for review purposes.  All opinions are my own.


  1. I really enjoyed it so much too! I love the idea of reading each year before starting school!!

  2. I enjoyed your review. It is good to know you plan to re-read it regularly. It helped me to decide to buy it instead of just borrowing. I have had those highs and lows--sometimes all within the same day ;)


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