Saturday, June 11, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One Where We’re DONE!

School’s out, school’s out teacher let the students out!

We’re done.  Finished.  Fini.  Finito. Oh happy day!!!  Except for the part that makes my baby a fifth grader instead of a fourth grader.  Wahhh!!!

Mackenzie still has to take her CAT test but I’m not worried about that.  We may or may not take it next week.

We broke up our last week with a trip to Water Country.  Good times!  Shout out to Wendy for bringing a camera so we’d have some pictures.




On my agenda for the summer is to file my notice of intent for next year, finish entering next year’s lessons into Homeschool Tracker and get stuff organized.   I’m almost done with HST. 

It’s taken a little bit   longer FORVER this year because the curriculum I’m using, during our year off from Sonight, isn’t organized very well.  I’m finding tons and tons of errors in the IG and I’m having to dig through the books to figure out what we’re supposed to be doing. 

I thought about sending the whole lot back and just doing Core 5 over two years,  but seeing how I’m still missing two books from my March order I didn’t think the odds of getting a refund were very good. 
Oh well, I’m still excited about the Christmas unit. 

Pop over to Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers to see what others have been up to.


  1. Congratulations on finishing up another year! 5th grade does seem a bit scary, huh? I think 6th grade is worse though since it's means middle school!

    Water Country must be around the states because my sister wants us to join them in NH for a day there. Boys will be gone, so just Cati and I. Girls overnight! LOL

    Entering HST already?! Wow! I still haven't finished ordered all my curriculum yet! I'm getting anxious!

  2. Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my blog! It is weird when I first look at yours to see the same design! lol I have never seen anyone else with it either!

    Congrats on finishing up your year! We live near the Blue Ridge Parkway as well! Where is the natural bridge? It seems familiar.

  3. Congrats on finishing up the year!! Wooo hoooo!!!


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