Sunday, June 26, 2011

Tot School: T is for Toy Story!!

Kayleigh is 40 months old
This week we worked on letter Tt.  In addition to our normal Letter of the Week activities, we did the Toy Story pack from 1+1+1=1.   Kayleigh is a major Toy Story fan.  We also had a trip to the waterpark and a fun bike ride for Father’s Day.
She worked on one of sissy’s school projects.  Mackenzie was studying Canada at the end of her school year and this was one of the crafts we didn’t get to.  They made carnival masks.
We had a play doh day.  We made play dough Tts with a play doh mat from the Toy Story pack.   Then we worked her little fingers making “cherries” for a “cherry pie.”  The pie mat was from PreKinders.  She also practiced cutting by cutting play doh snakes.
She matched her Toy Story characters with character cards from the Toy Story pack
She also taught Jessie Cowgirl about big T and little t.
She sorted big and little Ts.  This was a COAH activity.
We read Where Are the Toys? from the Toy Story pack and then used her Toy Story characters to act out the positional words.
She worked on her writing skills by “helping Andy get his toys to his room.”  She is getting much better at staying on the lines.  This is also from the Toy Story pack.
She loves the alien from Toy Story so I made her an alien color by number.  She also referred to her toy alien for accuracy. LOL  You can download it HERE
I found these “T Riddles” from Oopsey Daisy’s Thanksgiving Unit.   These were a lot of fun.
Turtle letter matching and a turtle puzzle from COAH.
She sorted people toys and animals toys with a printable from the Toy Story pack.  Kayleigh is starting to get the hang of cutting on the lines.  After she was done pasting she just had to match her Toy Story characters to the ones on the paper.
We rolled and graphed Toy Story characters and she circled which character was different.  I only had to help her with the first row and then she was able to find them on her own.
Last on the list was stamping big and little Ts.  She just loves doing this so I had to make her another printable.  You can download it here
Boy did we have a busy week.  She was really into the Toy Story activities so we just kept going. 
She also had fun at the water park and the beach.
Next week she’ll be an “only child” since big sister will be away at camp. 
Click the Tot School button at the top of the page to see what the other tots have been up to.


  1. I love the picks of her with playdough on her forehead. Lots of work congrats mommy:)

  2. Looks like y'all had great fun with the letter Tt! (Visiting from the Crew!)


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