Friday, May 20, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One with an Awesome Concert for You

My weekly wrap-ups are becoming by-weekly. LOL  Ooops!!!

We're in the homestretch of our school year.  I'm happy to be done but sad at the thought of my first baby going into 5th grade.  Wahhhh!!!

I guess I'll give you the subject-by-subject run down this time. LOL


We're still reading it.  =o)  We're reading a bit in Ecclesiastes now.  I have no idea if I spelled that right.  Mackenzie's also doing a 6 week Bible study through our church.  So far, she's already known every verse that they've asked her to memorize. LOL

Language Arts:

Spelling finished (Spelling Power)
Grammar finished (First Language Lessons)
Writing finished (Writing With Ease)


She just finished her first lesson on fractions. Good thing because they're on her CAT test.  LOL  Math-U-See has a different scope and sequence then most math programs so they're usually something she hasn't learned yet on the test.  But she's never scored less than the 98th percentile so I'm not too worried.  Math-U-See Delta focuses mainly on division with a little of this and that mixed in.  Her new lesson is on Roman numerals.

Social Studies:

She finished her Star Spangled State Book geography study.  She took her final exam today and got 100%.

In history we've been covering the Civil Rights movement and the Kennady and Johnson presidencies.


She's been reading The Seventeenth Swap and In Search of the Source.  She's read ahead in both books, so I guess she likes them.  LOL


Science is going to take the longest for us to finish since we had to hold off our insect study due to the crazy weather this year.  We only have 3 lessons left but we usually take two weeks per lesson.  But I guess I don't have to do them over two weeks, do I? LOL

This lesson was on social insects: ants, wasps, termites.  Now that Mackenzie knows how honey is made she no longer wants to eat it. LOL

Here she is working on her mini-books for her notebook.


She had her very first piano recital this week.  I'll let her playing speak for itself.  She's very sad that piano is finished for the summer.  In the fall she'll start private lessons.

Pop over to Weird, Unsocialized Homeschooler's to see the rest of the wrap-ups.


  1. It must feel good to check off the things done. That is one problem with doing my own curriculm...not that feeling of conclusion.
    Wonderful job on the recital piece.

  2. Your daughter played beautifully. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I look forward to following yours. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Good week. I always love when we start finishing things and can see the end because I really need a break, but it is sad that it means they're moving up a grade.
    Good job playing the piano!

  4. What a great feeling to be crossing subjects off as you finish them!


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