Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Review: Max on Life

Max On Life: Answers and Insights to Your Most Important Questions

I was very excited when I saw that Max Lucado's new book was up for review.  Max Lucado has always been a family favorite.

In Max on Life,  Max answers hundreds of questions on a variety of topics.  Questions from his readers.
He covers spiritual concerns like prayer, faith, suffering as well as things like finances, relationships, and parenting.  In typical Max Lucado style, his answers are clear, concise, and easy to read.

There were questions that I've always wondered about and questions I'd never thought of.  (And maybe I should have.)

My favorite part of the book was the topical index.  If you're looking for an answer, it will be easy to find it.  This makes the book not only a great read but a great reference tool.  I've already found myself referring back to it.  There's also a scriptural index as well.

The only thing I found lacking was that the answers were very basic.  Sometimes I wanted a more in-depth answer.  However,  the shorter answers did make for an easier read.  Especially for a stay-at-homeschooling-mom like me, who almost never has time to herself.  It was easy for me to read a question or two and then come back and read more when I had time.  The basic answers did give me a jumping off point so I can research a question further.

I review for BookSneeze®

I receivied a copy of this book from Tommy Nelson Publishers for review.  All opinions are honest and my own.

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