Friday, February 4, 2011

Review: Adventures in Boogabooga Land DVD


I recently was given the opportunity to review The Adventures of Boogabooa Land by Richard Milner.
The DVD contains 3~15 minute cartoons that are supposedly based on parables of the Bible.

I have to say that I wasn't terribly impressed.  The animation wasn't terribly spectacular and the script was a tad on the cheesy side.  But the biggest problem I had with this DVD was that the Biblical message wasn't really there.

My daughters, age two and ten, also watched the movie.  (Several times. LOL)  And afterward I asked my oldest about the movie.  Specifically if it made her think about God or the Bible at all.  Her answer was no.  She was really surprised when I told her they were based on some parables from the Bible.  And the Bible is something we study everyday for school.

So all-in-all, I'd say that dvd had some entertainment value for my oldest but it certainly  didn't help establish any Biblical truths for them.  Maybe some sort of wrap-up, similar to what Veggie Tales does, could help cement what the author was trying to get across?

I review for BookSneeze®

I received a copy of this DVD from Thomas-Nelson Publishing for reviewing purposes.  All opinions are my own.

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