Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tot School

Kayleigh is 34 months old
Tot School

Tot School was a huge bust this week.  She was not having it at all.  Not one activity for a single second.  She did dump a lot of Tot School stuff on the floor.  Every.  Single.  Day.   Such is life with Kayleigh.  LOL

So instead I'll share her favorite Christmas gifts.  Some I have pictures, some I don't.  Ironically, I don't have pictures of her with her top 2 favorites. LOL

Her most favoratist thing of all was her "candy hearts." The child is obsessed with them.  She asks everyday if she can eat some.  She's been hearing "no" for almost a year now.  Partly due to the fact that she can't have candy very often, not to mention that they're not always in season. LOL  At any rate, when I saw these I knew she had to have them.

I should mention that she doesn't use these as they were necessarily intended.  There are all kinds of suggestions for learning activities with them.  They're not for Kayleigh.  She's not stringing them or doing anything besides trying to feed them to her naked babies.  (She refuses to keep them clothed.  I've given up.)  I can't believe I don't have a picture of her shoving them at her dolls faces. LOL

Her second favorite is also from Learning Resources, the Counting Fun Fruit Bowl.  Adorable!!  Such a great learning toy.  Rest assured that there is no counting of the fruit happening here though.  She does make an awesome fruit salad though.  The trick is to stir it for hours.  And add candy hearts. LOL

Number 3 was the Jumbo Aquadoodle.  She loves her travel Aquadoodle so much that I thought she might like to spread out.  She did!!

Number 4 wasn't something that I was sure she'd like but it looked like an awesome motor activity.  The Guidecraft Screw Block.  She's not that good at it yet but she likes it.  She says that she's Daddy when she uses it. LOL

Number 5 is the Candyland Castle game and it was a big hit.  And so cute!!  This game was so perfect for her.  The rules were easy for a tot to understand and she loved it.  Plus she keeps beating me.

Here's hoping that next week runs more smoothly.  She seemed interested in my preparations in the school room this evening.  She kept saying "Gank you Mommy! Gank you!"  Then I had to shoo her away and tell her to wait for tomorrow. LOL

Click the button at the top of the page to see what the other tots have been doing.


  1. Ahhh, isn't it fun when you plan out a week and your kiddo wants nothing to do with it?! ;)

    I've never seen the Candyland Castle game before. Looks fun!

  2. Sometimes life just goes that way, but we keep trying as moms. Thanks for sharing the presents, I like the screw block. That's one of those skills my daughter could use more practice with too.

  3. you know what game we got at our house you might like - Uno moo! it is so cute! Wyatt likes to play with it, and Alyssa and Tristan like to play the game.

  4. That Aquadoodle mat looks so cool! I will need to get one for John!

    I gave you an award at my blog!


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